Supreme Court of Canada. WTS LOSES!
Facts: 14 year old JW girl refused blood. Doctors said she had to have it. Trial court agreed.
WTS appeals, arguing Canadian law is unconstitutional as everyone, including those under 16, have a right to make a religious choice, and the law thwarts religious freedom by not allowing those under 16 the right to make their own religious choices.
Supreme Court of Canada (6 out of 7 judges) upheld Canadian laws as Consitutional (i.e. WTS loses and under 16 year old JWs get court ordered blood).
Four of the judges then explained their reasoning was motivated by the law's need to protect the youngest adolescent's from their own immaturity and vulnerability. They wrote the young need protection from "subtle and overt coercion", such as the Jehovah's Witnesses. These four justices wrote the words "vulnerability", "coercion", "independence", etc. on multiple occassions. Obviously, these Justices think the WTS is coercive and avoids its members to have independent thinking. What was most interesting is that the Supreme Court of Canada mentioned adults. "The s.7 liberty or autonomy right is not absolute, even for adults, nor does it trump all other values. Limits on peronal autonomy that advance a geniune state interest do not violate S. 7 if they are shown to be based on rational, rather than arbitrary grounds."
Justice Binnie sided for the WTS. Bethel's writing department is probably pouring over Justice Binnie's words to use as a quote in their next book or magazine. Only Bethel's twisted writing department can make a 6-1 loss sound like Canadian courts give minors the right to choose.
Dear WTS (Mr. Brady):
You MUST make the blood doctrine by individual conscious. No more shunning. No more disfellowshipping. No more disassociation. Free choice will alleviate most of your troubles. Leave it to Jah and the follower, just like it was left between Jah and the soldiers.