Committee Meeting Wants Details, oh BS

by Leprechaun 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman

    I was reproved when I was a lot younger my experience similar to yours yadda very straght forward not the high drama the poster would have us believe.

    Not every Elder on this planet is an asshole, but some that is "lording" over others, meaning power trip. Some do that.

  • gubberningbody

    I was involved in perhaps 60-70 cases. None of them went down with a lot of drama. Perhaps this was a local phenomenon, but the only time this stuff got to me was when the society wrote the bodies a two page letter on pornography (which I hated) and after this came out it seemed that this brought the pervert out of some of the bros. I thought the letter was poorly written, ambiguous and encouraged the kind of prying the original post discussed. It was terrible. I didn't then, nor do I now want to know about this sort of crap. That last letter was such a bad idea. We had one gay elder that seemed creepily into discussing this stuff.

    I suppose I just got fed up on so many levels I just had to walk.

  • mraimondi

    errm, they didnt ask for any details with mine, just if it was only one time, or if it was something i did often.

    a reasonable question.

    Ive known... 6 people that have gotten disfellowshipped, same thing.

    no weird details.

  • shamus100

    Must just depend on the elders then. I knew one guy who went in to confess his dry-humping and they asked all kinds of questions about mastrubation, how often, when, etc. He told me all about it - but hey, they were trying to "help" him.

  • Leprechaun

    Well now here is a case in point, the recent information in the Watchtower concerning oral sex with ones mate, what bloody hell business is it of a religion which end I kiss my girl friend or wife. It’s just cult control and if someone can’t see this it’s because they enjoy being a Lemming.

  • Leprechaun

    As far as I am concerned Dry Humping ones mate is an act of endearment.

  • shamus100

    He wasn't married, LOL. It's quite a problem in dubbie land - get on top of your lovar and pretend you're naked and humping - it's beautiful!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    i remember being told off by my mum for dry humping a girl when i was about 6... i didn't really what i was doing...

  • WTWizard

    I wonder what they would do if they found my Christmas decorations. Unlike sex, there is nothing exciting about telling them that I intentionally used a search engine on my computer to hunt down a few places that sold them, and then deliberately sent away for them. Then, a few days later, they came and I put them up. If they try, that is going to be one hell of a boring hearing for them--perhaps a taste of their own boring talk medicine.

  • cognac
    I wonder what they would do if they found my Christmas decorations. Unlike sex, there is nothing exciting about telling them that I intentionally used a search engine on my computer to hunt down a few places that sold them, and then deliberately sent away for them. Then, a few days later, they came and I put them up. If they try, that is going to be one hell of a boring hearing for them--perhaps a taste of their own boring talk medicine.

    lol - I had one of these meetings. They asked a billion questions. It was terrible. However, that's how I found out what oral sex was... They asked me if I did oral and I had to tell them I didn't know what that meant. Then, they explained it to me. I had no idea people did that.

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