I have heard some doozies. Some elders forbid the couple from sitting together at the meetings unless they are engaged. I have heard that said from the platform. Also, some elders have read from the Young People Ask book that says a couple should not kiss unless they are engaged. In fact the Young People Ask book says no kissing unless "marriage seems imminent." (YPA P. 255)
I tried to be cool about that when I was a C.O., I didn't really get involved unless someone complained about something serious the other person was doing.
We had a C.O. once who said that dating couples, or any brother and sister, should not be in a car together alone, unless the sister rides in the back seat.
In Spanish congregations, I have seen that if a brother showed any interest in a sister, the elders would meet with him to discuss his intentions, and the seriousness of marriage, etc, etc.
What have you seen, or experienced as far as dating couples and elders are concerned?