In fact the Young People Ask book says no kissing unless "marriage seems imminent." (YPA P. 255)
Not just kissing, but holding hands and embracing.....quoting the referred to paragraph of YPA......
Is holding hands, kissing, or embracing appropriate,and if so, when? Displays of affection, when performedas genuine expressions of endearment and not selfishpassion, can be both clean and appropriate. The Biblebook The Song of Solomon indicates that some fittingexpressions of endearment had been exchanged betweenthe Shulammite maiden and the shepherd boyshe loved and would soon marry. (Song of Solomon1:2; 26; 8:5) But as with that chaste pair, a couplewould further take care that displays of affection do notbecome unclean or lead to sexual immorality." (Galatians5:19, 21) Logically, such expressions of endearment s hould be made only when the relationship has reached a point where mutual commitment has developedand marriage seems imminent. By showing selfcontrol,you can avoid being distracted from a primaryaim of successful courtship, namely . . .