Last Days

by disneycuty 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher


    Thanks for the "expose" on the "expos". Oh... same goes for the Minnesota Twins... Been nice to know you! Those 2 world championships were nice in '87 and '91, but oh well....It's more important to pay the marquee players $20 million a year...otherwise, they couldn't survive poor babies. (sorry this disintegrated into a rant)


    They've been saying "these are the last days" since about 1844 with William Miller and Adventism. They've always been wrong. 100% inaccuracy. Therein lies a clue to your answer.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Satanus


    What were you talking about in the latter part of 1999? What was your expextation for y2k? Do you want to share that with us? Were you a christian then?

    BTW i like your psychadelic jesus.


  • COMF

    Looks like YK's mirror image is upon us. Let's try an experiment.

    "Death and destruction!"

    Yep, that's what I figured. Somebody hand me a washrag, please, RickA's drooling on the board.


  • rhett

    No, I don't think we're in the last days at all. People talk now about how horrible the world is and point to all the news reports about bad things happening. Never mind that we have such advanced technology that we can have those reports. All I know is that I would rather be alive right here, right now, than at any other point in history.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • BluesBrother

    In the sense as used by the WT ?
    NO! NO! NO!
    Look at the masterful debunking of chronology easily found on the web.
    and the "Signs of the times" - wishful thinking I believe . The WT would have you believe that the past was a golden time of peace and good neighbourliness whereas a simple look at history shows it was anything but that.
    The comparisom has to be against not what you may want the world to be, but what it really has been in the past . I contend that then these times are not so critical by comparisom.
    Do not let the fear get to you - it is all manipulation.

  • avengers

    MMM, Ithought the end came in 1799, or was it 1874, or 1914, or 1925, 0r 1942, or 1975, or 2001? Which one was it? Or is it again in the future? Probably tomorrow. Man am I shakin' in my boots.

    "Few are they that look through their own eyes and feel with their own heart"
    A Einstein
    And anyway what am I worried about?. I didn't sleep with the wild beast.
  • funkyderek

    There have been prophets of doom since before the beginning of recorded history. Christians have been predicting Christ's return since his death. And it never happens.
    "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9 RSV)

    "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, 1794.

  • Julie

    When I studied with JWs there was talk of "the last days". I told them I didn't think this was the end because there are too many resources left to exploit. (They probably figured they'd "straighten me out" after I joined) The atmosphere is still breathable (in most places--like where they don't have "voluntary" environmental-corp. rules), and there is still much earth left to ruin. It doesn't matter about the weapons of mass destruction yet. Maybe in time but I don't think anyone is in that big a hurry to end it all, not even that maniac Hussein.

    Just my thoughts,
    Julie, by the way, lol@Comf

  • neyank

    Are you bringing these news stories to our attention hoping that we will become frightened and run back to the WTS?

    First of all, IF and I do mean IF we are in the last days, it doesn't mean the WTS is or has been right.
    They have already proven themselves to be a false prophet and a liar.
    Just take a look back at the begining of the WTS and we can easily see that God has NOT been using them.

    Second, can you imagine if there were newspapers in the 1st and 2cond century what the headlines would have said about the goings on in the known world?
    There have been groups declaring that we're in the last days for a couple of centuries now.

    All that we can do is watch what's going on in the world but we can't always be running aroud screaming THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING.

    I do believe when the time for the last days is here, there won't be any doubts and all the events fortold in the scriptures will be easily understood.
    I don't believe that God, the same God that inspired the scriptures is going to use a false prophet to relay His message to all mankind.
    God has already condemned false prophets and He has told us how to view them.

    I don't believe there are any prophets or groups He is using at the present time.
    Of course I could be wrong but what we do know for sure is that HE will NOT use a group that has a history of making false prophecies to relay His message.


  • cyberguy

    I believe we're living in the indefinite time of the end!

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