Question for JW Lurkers: Did Jesus Pray Using the Name "Jehovah"?

by cabasilas 19 Replies latest watchtower bible


    BetterDaze..Seems to have a better grasp on this Subject..Than most who have posted,on this thread.............................OUTLAW


    Allelsefails..Actually it was a StrawMan Arguement..It has nothing to do with the subject at hand...........The Letter "J" is relevant in the 14th century..The same time the Jehovah translation mistake was made...........Don`t take it personally..I`m pointing out facts........................Have a nice evening....................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • allelsefails

    Better daze - You seem to reflect the gnostic ideas of the creator God YHWH - a haughty spirit who is Jealous because he knows there are others greater than he. And the Jesus explained "Father" who is the source of all - a very different God than YHWH. Something I've been studying recently. The Macionites believed the same way. Marcion put the first list of Christian "scriptures" together around 150 AD. He believed in a Christianity with no ties to the Jewish God YHWH.

  • cabasilas

    allelsefails said:

    The fact that Jesus didn't use any name in his prayers to The Father I think is a relevant scriptural thought though.

    Exactly! If Jesus is our Exemplar, then we don't need to use a name for God in our prayers.

  • allelsefails

    I do realize it was an "Off the point arguement" - Jesus' failure to mention any "name" in is prayers is certainly a signifigant thought. What do you think a "Stawman arguement" is? I'm certainly not taking it personally. LOL! Just curious as to your thinking. I was making a side point - not refuting the poster's conclusions. I agree Jesus doesn't use any divine name in his prayers. Mabe I was not clear on my intent.

  • penny2

    Interesting, cabasilas. Thanks for posting this.

  • oompa

    caba, on this one i actually disagree. it makes no sense to me that if jah is jesus father that he would ever use his actual name in prayer...i would never call my dad, who i am close with "jerry"......much closer terms of endearment and respect are expressed without using the actual name......i even told wt this in a letter once....that "it makes since he would not have used in in prayer".........

    YET they put a picture of jesus praying in the WT with the caption "JESUS USED THE DIVINE NAME IN PRAYER"!!!!!!........they well know that not a single scripture supports him ever using it....and they also know that not a single scripture in any ancient manuscript IN THE ENTIRE WORLD contains even a single "jehovah/yhwh".......

    The thread below has a scan of the short article and the lovely pic of jesus praying ............oompa

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    We do know the name of God.

    In Hebrew thought "name" refers to the very essence of the person, and Jesus Christ revealed the nature of God.

    To them, "name" was not a handle or a means of identification.


  • villabolo
  • Heaven

    I don't know about you guys, but I do not address my Earthly Father by his first name so why the heck would I address my Heavenly Father using his first name? And isn't 'Heavenly Father' a name in and of itself? After all, there is only one! This has always confounded me about the JWs. (And then we could debate the personal name of our Heavenly father as well... Yahweh seems the most accurate to me).

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