Thanks Atlantis et al for posting this! Talk about guilt-tripping and manipulation. How did they get away with writing to the UK JWs like that? Different age, I guess. The 'friends' wouldn't stand for it now.
I would like to know why Britons and US are treated differently.
ANy ideas?
The Brits were slacking on their quotas in comparison to other countries (paragraph 1) and needed their butts kicking LOL!
To think they were 'encouraged' to do 2 hours of first call and an hour of return visits ON A SUNDAY as well as attend a full 2 hour meeting (p.2)!
And this on p. 4 was funny:
"The time is short! The days are few! The work is great! ...
[paraphrase of next bit: don't be like the materialistic, selfish, vain world who will die but get out and do the good works of preaching etc.]
"... Last year the Watchtower campaign moved slowly and February was the poorest month of the campaign. [imagine finger wag] We were not very zealous last year, were we? [imagine the reader, head down, squirming in his/her seat] But we all hope that this year will be different. It should be. [imagine the reader nodding repentantly]"
You almost expect them to add, "Now write 'I will be more zealous and get my quotas' 100 times and give it in to the Congregation Servant at the end of the meeting, you pathetic shower!"