OTWO- Good points you make. It is a gradual process getting over the fear of being found out . I know it was gradual for me. I think I had gotten over my fear of an alleged " Armageddon " while still going to meetings also. I was 16 during the 1975 fiasco- and when THAT came and went - I just told myself privately " Well, we will just watch and see what happens or goes down over the years. " I'm still watching - nothing happened.
I didn't really find out the doctrines were wrong until AFTER exiting the witnesses as we weren't allowed to research anything different. You are right- we can't live our life in constant fear, what will happen will happen , just gotta be true to ourselves and show our family authentic love - even if some of them don't show it back. I've got some JW relatives who shun me like I'm DFed , even though I'm just a fader , but that's O.K. it just makes me more firm in my convictions and stronger in my resolve to make a difference someday in some of those relatives