Have you Overcome " Fear " and " Guilt " Instilled in us by the Witnesses ?

by flipper 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    OTWO- Good points you make. It is a gradual process getting over the fear of being found out . I know it was gradual for me. I think I had gotten over my fear of an alleged " Armageddon " while still going to meetings also. I was 16 during the 1975 fiasco- and when THAT came and went - I just told myself privately " Well, we will just watch and see what happens or goes down over the years. " I'm still watching - nothing happened.

    I didn't really find out the doctrines were wrong until AFTER exiting the witnesses as we weren't allowed to research anything different. You are right- we can't live our life in constant fear, what will happen will happen , just gotta be true to ourselves and show our family authentic love - even if some of them don't show it back. I've got some JW relatives who shun me like I'm DFed , even though I'm just a fader , but that's O.K. it just makes me more firm in my convictions and stronger in my resolve to make a difference someday in some of those relatives

  • cognac

    hmmm, theres so many different types of fears... I mean, I still do fear loosing my family, but that's about it... It's great not having that all the time!!! It's great to sleep in on Saturdays and stuff!

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I hear you. I do fear losing some of my family as well. Some I'm not close to ( like my older ex-Bethel brother) so I don't care if I lose him ! LOL! He's never paid much attention to me anyway. Saturdays ARE nice to sleep in on aren't they ? I agree ! Hope you and baby and hubby are doing well ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Well indoctrinated folks like born ins like myself, usually carry a bit a fear and apprehension when first leaving the JWS,

    I don't think it can be helped, but intuitively we know within are hearts and minds that what the JWS are teaching is wrong on so many levels,

    the push to leave gradually occurs. Some people go into a self destructive behavior unfortunately, since they feel there are no controls over them,

    which eventually brings on a assortment of guilt, but thats about their behavior not necessarily abort leaving the JWS.

    Once a individual realizes all of the bullshit that they were selling and promoting and the personal damage that it was causing people,

    the guilt and most of the fear fades away and a new life is found, hopefully something with a bit more honesty and purpose.

  • flipper

    THE ALMIGHTY HOMER- I think you are right. Many of us born ins do have fear at first but like you say - I've noticed with myself it gradually fades. When we realize the big scam that was being pulled over on us as witnesses - it really frees your mind up to start making some good decisions and happier lasting memories after exiting the witness cult

  • leftbelow

    I can't say I have overcome it completely but I have went on the offensive lately by posting my story on here and going into a church (that was really a tough one for me I don't know what I thought would happen but it didn't) and next on the list is to give blood. Breaking down barriers one at a time.

  • flipper

    LEFTBELOW- That's really great you posted your story ! And going into a church is good for getting rid of false " fears " witnesses put into us. I'm sure you found the demons didn't try getting you after being in the church ! LOL ! What a great gift to give blood - good for you. One brick at a time for sure

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up for any who'd like to reply. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JustHuman14

    That is gone for sure. Sometimes I can have a sigar just for fun and I recall that the Booze Jo, did smoke expensive sigars and was not disfellowship offend at that time.....

    No guilt at all Flipper, I live as free person, and like the Beatle's Blackbird I cured my "broken wings and learn to fly"

  • JimmyPage

    Long before I ever realized JWs did not have the truth I overcame the guilt.

    It was a means of survival, the only way to live a normal life.

    I had tried things the WT way and it wasn't working for me.

    I knew I had to do things the "worldly" way or I would never get a good job, go on a date, or have sex.

    I killed my over-active conscience and was much the happier for doing so.

    The fear came back occasionally until I read "Crisis of Conscience".

    And I ain't been skeered since!

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