and I have consulted the WT cd as well as asked JWs....and gotten no answers that stand up when examined.
Aspects of the Gifts of theHoly Spirit?
by Rocky_Girl 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you isaacaustin, you have exposed Spike for the fraud-troll he is.
All Christians have the hope that you have outlined,not some un-scriptural ramblings thought up by a drunken Ratherfraud in the 1930's.
Anytime Wobble :)
((HUG)) -
actually all can have the holy spirit, but only the anointed are baptised in it
Baptism in the Spirit is for all who believe, not just a select few
Acts 2:38-39 (New International Version)
38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."
Ephesians 4:4-6 (New International Version)
4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
All the best, Stephen
Spike Tassel
I understand the matter about the 144,000 and king-priests and little-flock very well as meaning the same thing, after being with Jehovah's Witnesses while the matters were explained. On this point, I must defer to those more capable than I am. Knowing the truth when I see it is one thing, explaining it for those of a different mind-set is another matter entirely. Jehovah knows how to read the hearts and has not given the ability on this matter to me, apparently. I must accept my limitations, as all of Jehovah's creation must, I suggest.
Spike Tassel
There is one baptism for all, water baptism. Baptism in the holy spirit is not that baptism.
Spike out of curiosty were you ever a jw at one time, or just someone who likes some of there doctrine?
I understand the matter about the 144,000 and king-priests and little-flock very well as meaning the same thing,
after being with Jehovah's Witnesses while the matters were explained.
My reply: This is a baseless assertion. NOTHING justifies the link. You are correct in one thing- you need a WT explanation to come to that conclusion because the bible does not teach or even hint at it.
Spike Said: On this point, I must defer to those more capable than I am.
My reply: Again, show me the Biblical basis for this? How do you 'keep testing' when you simply defer your beleifs to others?
Spike said: Knowing the truth when I see it is one thing, explaining it for those of a different mind-set is another matter entirely.
My reply: Except 'the truth' that the Wt calims to have taught you here directly conflicts with clear passages from the bible and the overall theme taught by Jesus and the apostles.
Spike said: Jehovah knows how to read the hearts and has not given the ability on this matter to me, apparently. I must accept my limitations, as all of Jehovah's creation must, I suggest.
My reply: You mean you don't know how to answer clear Biblical passages in direct conflict with major WT theology so you are copping out. Been there- done that.
Spike, I will pray the Lord remove the scales of deception from your eyes.
There is one baptism for all, water baptism. Baptism in the holy spirit is not that baptism.
My reply: So stupid not even worth a reply.
Spike Tassel
Look it up for yourself and you will see. Sorry, I haven't memorised the Scriptures for this part.