Is PC "Free" Registry Cleaner Really Free?

by compound complex 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SacrificialLoon

    Spybot has a registry utility I've used before to clear out virus crap that the A/V software didn't catch. It also has some other handy utilities. It's not a cleaner utility though.

    Microsoft has a free one.

    You'll want to read the caveats before using it.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I personally have used RCS in the past but haven't in a few years now, they have the potential to take out

    files that are needed in your system, I wouldn't bother with them at all for this very reason, if you think by

    cleaning your register from files that aren't being used is going to speed up your system this a very non issue

    for the simple reason computer hardware components are much faster now as opposed to in the past.

    I get all kinds of insight into computers by my brother who is an IT professional and owns and operates his own store.

    IF you really want to speed up your system try upgrading your CPU , hard drive and RAM instead.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, SL and Al Home:

    I never thought about speed and such. I read warnings about the Blue Screen Death, error reports, etc. Scan results pop-ups continue to reappear, making like do it now or else. It's not really necessary?

    Scare tactics?


    BTW: my system is VERY FAST!

  • jaguarbass

    I had problems with my computer running slow and looked into a registry cleaner, after a lot of research and

    talking to people.

    I sped my computer up by going into tools, internet options, deleting cookies and clearing the

    history, also you can run disc cleaner, disc defragmenter.

    Also I run AVG free. and sometimes run malwarebytes anti maleware.

    I found Anti virus programs that you pay for can really slow your computer down.

    I'm thinking the reason you want to clean your registry is because your computer is running slow.

    If so try AVG and do what I did.

    Dont try to clean your registry. Thats for professionals.

    And I wonder if they even clean it or just do something like I am telling you to do.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, jag:

    I'm really getting an education. A pro has offered to look at my system and see if anything needs doing. I think I'll go from there.

    My system appears to be running great, but what do I know? More now than I did before putting up this thread!



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