Let's not forget the original reason ...... to sell publications for the WTS!
Linking this act to salvation/good works/disciple-making........was freakin' brillant in the world of cults.
Time of course has continued roll on and the WTS no longer makes it's $$$$$ selling books but it has tied the practice of 'FS' so deeply into it's interpretation that would be difficult to explain-away should the WTS desire to stop the practice. Yet we will probably see publication output continue to lessened.
Frankly the only $$$$$ making opportunities now for the WTS seems to be the conventions, willed estates (dwindling) and selling off of property.
DC releases are becoming more like 'goodie-gift bags' for attending. I expect more DVDs and brochures. I also wonder if the "Bearing" will be the last BookStudy type commentary for a longtime.....7-10 million free books gets awful expensive if donations are down.
I agree with all the posters who have pointed out that for most part FS has become busywork, a way for those most captive to prove 'loyalty to Jehovah's organization', and of course a ladder climbing (easily faked) action to improve congregational image.