I was a pioneer for 7 years, when I think back it was a complete waste of time spiritually and financially. I would have been a lot better off using my time in more productive way than trying to prove my worth to the so called almighty. Sure I became an MS faster and was well on my way to becoming an elder, but that only used more time, time I could have used to actually contribute something positive to my own life or someone that I knew deserved it.
I pity anyone that wastes their time trying to convince others to join any religious organization. Let god use his own time and effort if it’s so important, which of course we all know he won’t do because he has billions of humans that practice thousands of religions to do the work for him. I will probably never see the day that mankind will break the religious cycle and finally come to it’s senses but I’m convinced that it will happen and when it does it will be a huge step forward in mankind’s intellectual evolution.