df'd and assemblies.

by ptrehearn152 81 Replies latest social relationships

  • Gayle

    How would that go for you if she would ever need a blood transfusion?, she would choose to refuse a transfusion even if it meant her death. If you ever need a blood transfusion and you are unconscious, she couldn't accept one for you or sign one for you either. Do you ever do holidays? She will have to refuse to celebrate even your birthday or even if you have any extended family gatherings around holidays, she could not participate. The JW Governing Body even have rules about what goes on in a married couples bed. The rules in this religion are extremely extensive.

  • shamus100

    going to a meeting or two might help you understand her better

    Yes! It will cement your understanding of the control group. I recommend it - it's better than watching Judge Judy, LOL.

  • runningonfaith

    Hi Ptr, two books.

    Don't worry, they'll go fast.

    for you

    "Controlling cult mind control" by Steve Hassan will make you understand what you're up against.

    for her

    "Crisis of conscience" by Ray Franz.

    Ask her to look at it before committing her life,tell her that you just want what's best for her and you want her to make an informed decision about something that will greatly effect her and everyone else around her.


    Reniaa refuses to follow the organization she promotes,the WBT$..LOL!!......Crazy!!

    Your better of to listen to some of the people here..Who actually are,Active Jehovah`s Witness`s..


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    nameless_one has summarized the situation very well. JWs have a double standard when it comes to religous freedom, its ok when people leave their former religion to become a JW, its totally wrong for a JW to leave and go to another religion. Any religion that punishes people who simply want to leave is not a regular religion.

    reniaa, I don't disagree with everything you post here, but you have a lot of nerve whining about how JWs are "demonized" here. Pot, meet kettle. I dare you to find one reference in Watchtower publications that says anything the least bit positive about former JWs.

    No Apologies

  • ptrehearn152

    i have a further question about the assembly that is forth coming and a df'd jw returning to the 'hall', if you were df'd years ago and didn't show repent then later moved out of the area and decided to go to another hall in a different county would the 'elders' and the rest of the congregation get to know that you were df'd.

  • blondie

    Probably only if the df'd person said something or someone who knew them from that time showed up in the area. The WTS world can be a small one.

  • The-Borg

    They normally ask for a record card and a letter of recomendation from your previous congregation.

  • ptrehearn152

    hi blondie, i'm sure i have read something on the internet that states bethal (if thats the correct spelling) keep records on jw's progress and of people that are df'd and wondered if these were used as a reference or is that just a myth.

  • ptrehearn152

    sorry the-borg we must have been posting at the same time.

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