Ok, I just have to vent for a minute! I have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes. They also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until I MAKE them. They also only shower three times per week, which might be ok if you are a little kid but once you hit puberty, you need to shower DAILY, especially during certain times of the month. They are both snippity snotty smart mouthed brats who do nothing but complain about everything. The youngest one (13yrs) has ruined so many vacations with her pouting and tantrums that I now refuse to go with my husband and them. We now take our vacations seperately. To top it all off, my husband always makes excuses for them and outright denies that they do some of the things I have brought to his attention. I recently found out that when I talk directly to them about some of their habits, they "tattle" on me to their father. This pisses me off almost more than anything. On new years day, the youngest girl tried to steal a video game player from our house and when her dad caught her, she told him to F***k off! She only got the silent treatment from her dad for the rest of the day, NO PUNISHMENT! It's not like these girls are mentally challenged or anything. They both get straight A's in school. They have not been brought up with any manners and now I'm the bad guy for calling them on it. ok, I'm done. WHEW! I feel better being able to vent. Any advice would be welcome.
by fern 19 Replies latest jw friends
Take them to the kingdom hall for some discipline and mental regulating form Jehovah?
Sorry to hear that, could you tlak to their father about it and come up with a united front on how to proceed?
tried talking to their father Borg, he has a united front with THEM!
Well you could just ignore it and leave the excrement and blood on the toilet for their father to see first hand.
Let them stay with their Mom to deal with.
I feel for ya. I raised three stepchildren for 17 years. The oldest was the problem and she ultimately caused our marraige to dissolve.
She is 32 now, still not employed and being supported by her mother who can't even afford to pay her phone bill.
Borg- I have done that. the poo he blamed on my son and had no explaination for the blood.
Purps-They don't live with us, only every other weekend and 2 weeks during the summer. Their mother is a major part of the problem. She'd rather go to the bar to find a "rich man" than teach her kids proper manners.
DJK-I'm hoping that doesn't happen to my marriage.
It appears to me, mom isn't a very good role model.
If you can get the dad to say mom is not a very good role model, then you have him over a barrel. You tell him to be a better role model and do all the housework while his children are visiting.
I'm sorry to tell you this, my dear, but your stepchildren aren't the problem; your husband is. I raised two stepchildren who love and respect me even now that they're adults out on their own. My house ran by my rules, and my husband didn't only back me up on that, he lead by example. As a matter of fact, they still joke about me being the queen. On the other hand, I picked my battles, realizing that in their hearts, their mother should've been in my place. It's only natural for them to feel that way.
Get your husband in line, and everyone else will follow. And as hard as it may be, focus on your stepdaughters' good qualities. Since their mother is up to no good, always remember, you're the only decent role model these poor kids have.
I agree with you Jamie. The husband is the problem. But it may be a real challenge to make him see that. The kids won't change until he does.