The TRUE Clarification on the Trinity Doctrine is

by gubberningbody 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam

    Hello again designs,

    Keep bumping into each other!

    What's your take on these two verse then?

    Romans 8:9-10 (New International Version)

    9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.

    Remember, "points win prizes"! 1 Corinthians 9:24 1 Corinthians 9:27 Philippians 3:14 Colossians 2:18

    All the best,


  • designs

    The better question is- what attracts someone to a violent and cruel concept of God and the religions that support those Creeds.

  • Chalam

    Ah we are back to the history lesson!

    Maybe you should look at the short history of the WT before you go pointing the finger?!

    Matthew 7:3 (New International Version)

    3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

    Or maybe you prefer to answer the question and give me your insight regarding those two verses :)

    All the best,


  • designs

    Christendom's violence is on such a grand scale it makes the nuttiness of the Witnesses look miniscule in comparison, but you have trouble seeing the corruption, standing to close to the forest perhaps.

    You guys used Planks, Axes, Arrows, Broad Swords, Fire, Knives, Guns, Rifles, Bombs anything you could get your hands on to kill each other and millions of others as well.

  • mraimondi

    +1 designs

  • glenster

    Believers or non-believers being too 'centric about getting along with other
    kinds caused the religious wars or religious persecutions, not many those of
    either who weren't and don't deserve the ironically 'centric characterization.

    The JWs leaders, too, with an attempt at exclusiveness like Peter Popoff's,
    have led thousands to unneccesary deaths in hospitals, Germany, and Malawi, etc.
    They also divided people unneccesarily by applying their relatively strict
    disfellowshipping rules to persistant disagreement with any of their distinctive
    rules, not just persistant strong unethical behavior, to rid the flock of any
    who researched and caught on to their methods.

    For leaders who've never run a country and with followers that together would
    only make up the population of a large town, the JWs leaders deserve to be
    considered of a kind with the others who caused harm and shouldn't have.

  • mraimondi


  • glenster

    Sorry if I deviated from the initial post with my last one, but subsequent posts
    took it in that direction, so I just meant to add some balance to show you can't
    decide the issue by those other concerns. People can get too 'centric over about
    anything that lets them see themselves in a group.

  • wobble

    Thanks very much Chalam, and the other posters,

    I think that after this thread it is less of a mystery, I think the scripture you quoted Steve from Romans is excellent for making anti-trinitarians think .

    I don't agree with the poster who said because more questions are raised it must be B.S, I think learning about God will always be an ongoing project,and I enjoy that constant learning, so thanks again to all for adding to my knowledge and appreciation.



  • Chalam

    Hi Wobble,

    Notice how they do not want to talk about two verses but would rather talk about the sins of some people from hundreds of years ago?!

    Neither will they recognise the huge faults of their organization.

    The issue is this, no doubt people died at the hands of "Christians" hundreds of years ago. Can anything be done about that? No.

    Now today there are thousands dying at the hands of "Christians" once again. I refer of course to those who call themselves by that name who impose the "no blood transfusions" doctrine. Can anything be done about that? Why of course!

    Even worse there are millions who are dying a slow dead spiritually because of this organization. That concerns me even more in the long run.

    Yes there is a plank in the eye of the WT. Trouble is they can't see it.

    All the best,


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