Jehovah explained by WT

by PSacramento 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    Can anyone confirm what I read on another website that the Aid to Bible Undertsanding, 1971 pages 884-885, admit that the term Jehovah is a combination of YHWH and the words adonia and elohim and that scholars generally favour "Yahweh" as the correct pronunciation?

    Is this correct?

  • under_believer

    The English word "Jehovah" is a mistranslation. The Society admits this--read the Divine Name brochure for proof of this, I think it's still in the Watchtower Library. However, the Society also believes that because "Jehovah" is the most commonly-used name in English to refer to the Tetragrammaton, it is still proper to use it, to reduce confusion.

    Nobody knows the true original pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton. Yahweh is favored as a default, simply because it was around first.

    Unfortunately you won't get much of anywhere on this avenue. They've already defused the issue in classic Witness tard-judo fashion.

  • Farkel

    :However, the Society also believes that because "Jehovah" is the most commonly-used name in English to refer to the Tetragrammaton, it is still proper to use it, to reduce confusion.

    This core belief of Jehovah's Witnesses is known as "Vindicating the Wrong Divine Name to Reduce Confusion" and is all Bible-Based(tm).


  • PSacramento

    I am aware that on the WT website they admit that they use the term Jehovah basically because it is "the popular" rending of YHWH, even though it is incorrect.

    I was NOT aware that was part of the Aid to Bible Understanding.

    So, and bare with me on this cause this issue is a tad confusing to me, if the name of God is SO holy, why is it ok to use the incorrect form smple because it is more recognizable?

    I think this gives weight to the Jewish view that it is best NOT to say the name of God if you dont; knwo what it is.

    When I was at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibt, I was there with a group that included a Jewish friend of mine, he is a researcher of ancient Hebrew and he brought his Grand-Uncle, a rabbincal Scholar and when I asked him his views on the pronunciation of YHWH he said," At best we can only speculate and I think God deserves better than Speculation and mispronunciation, don't you"?

    I tend to agree.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    "Insight on the Scriptures" has completely replaced "Aid to Bible Understanding", which I remember even being ordered to be removed from one's library due to apostate influence found therein. In the article entitled JEHOVAH, under the heading "Correct Pronunciation of the Divine Name." it reads as follows:—

    "Jehovah" is the best known English pronunciation of the divine name, although "Yahweh" is favored by most Hebrew scholars. The oldest Hebrew manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton (from Greek te·tra-, meaning "four," and gram´ma, "letter"). These four letters (written from right to left) are [HFHI, I here substitute according to the actual evolution of the Roman letters] and may be transliterated into English as YHWH (or, JHVH).

    The Hebrew consonants of the name are therefore known. The question is, Which vowels are to be combined with those consonants? Vowel points did not come into use in Hebrew until the second half of the first millenium C.E. (See HEBREW, II [Hebrew Alphabet and Script].) Furthermore, because of a religious superstitution that had begun centuries earlier, the vowel pointing found in Hebrew manuscripts does not provide the key for determining which vowels should appear in the divine name.

    To me, this reference stands on its own merits, without further comment from me at this time.

  • PSacramento


    I know why the Aid was removed, as I am sure so do other here.

    The "new" definition should have take into account what is on the WT website in the article "The Divine name that will endure forever", because it basically says the samething that the Aid book did.

    Fact is, we have to be truthful in the admission that not only is the pronunciation of YHWH unknow, so is the spelling and until we have verifibale proof and not specualtion and possibilites, we can't say trutfully that, by say Jehovah, we are saying God's TRUE AND DIVINE name, because base don what we knwo eight now, that is NOT the case.

  • Heaven

    The English word "Jehovah" is a mistranslation.

    Ahhhh.... so they should be renamed "The Mistranlation Witnesses". This aligns with everything else they've gotten wrong.

    Spike Tassel said: "Insight on the Scriptures" has completely replaced "Aid to Bible Understanding", which I remember even being ordered to be removed from one's library due to apostate influence found therein.

    LOL! JWs are all apostates. But seriously, how could God's spirit possibly allow this? Sounds like all their docs need removing then.

  • PSacramento


    Ray Franz was the person responsible for the info in regards to Jehovah in the Aid to bibel understanding (amongst other things), it makes sense that after he was disfellowshiped that there woudl be changes (removal) of his works for the WT that he had done over all those many years.

  • wobble

    Why use the name at all?

    Unless you want to stress its real meaning, i.e "He causes to become" (rough translation) if you say God I know what you mean and who you mean,if you say God's Son I know what you mean and who you mean,but if one has a real knowledge of the meaning of YHWH, when using it in conversation or teaching you could be referring to the Father or the Son.

    The Dubs make a big deal of it coz like most cults they need something to make them different,problem is they don't appreciate the Name and therefore don't respect it,our Jewish friends do.



  • parakeet

    Spike: "Insight on the Scriptures" has completely replaced "Aid to Bible Understanding", which I remember even being ordered to be removed from one's library due to apostate influence found therein.

    If you ignore dub history, Spike, you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes -- e.g. The "light" doesn't get stronger; it flickers.

    Whenever the WTS changes their doctrines, they never blame their previous flawed doctrine on themselves; they blame it on apostates and dubs who are "weak in faith" (i.e. scapegoats). That was the substance of their defense regarding their failed 1975 prediction debacle.

    The elders remove older pubs because they're an embarrassment of wrong apocalyptic dates, murderous and constantly fluctuating blood/vaccine/organ transplant policies, and deliberately misused references.


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