truthseeker: Rod Jung gave an update on Canada's work (12,000+ reg pioneers, 50,000+ bible studies, 180,000+ attended last year's memorial, they are focusing a lot on translating to First Nations languages)
Canada appears to have a pretty low saturation level compared to the US, and especially compared to Mexico.
It must be Mexico that brings the saturation number up to 1 per 250 for the 'Americas' reported by jwfacts, because, if you use the stats from jwfacts, the memorial attendance of 180,000 translates to 2.6 times the number of publishers which leaves approx. 69,000 publishers for Canada.
That means that Canada has a saturation level of about 1 per 500, half of what jwfacts says the 'americas' has. I am assuming that jwfacts has included Canada in the Americas...unless Canada is part of the Queen country's stats...
Regardless, 1 per 500 is quite a bit lower than the US figures, and much lower than Mexico.
The first nations people here have had enough, when the wbts are focusing on first nations languages it just goes to show how desperate they are. Most of the first nation people I know are focused on getting their kids educated and learning english. The last thing they need is a family destroying cult.
I agree wholeheartedly. I get very agitated when I consider what the WTS is doing by targeting the First Nations communities with their horrible translations of Watchtower crap. The illustrations in the literature are terrible - they have taken white people and colored them brown and call them First Nations. Not only that, nobody in the First Nations communities that I know can read Cree. It's a joke - the JWs leave Cree literature thinking they are 'helping the natives' and the natives cannot and do not read Cree.
Besides, Cree is only one of the languages spoken. We have Dakota, Lakota, Chippeweyan, Ojibaway, to name a few.
The WTS is incredibly insensitive to the Canadian First Nations people.
I personally checked out a couple of jw books from an inuit library. The books are now over due and not likely to return
I have close friends who are First Nations who live up north. The one family I know was actually having a Bible Study with two old white gals. I have them on my facebook account and I make sure that I post all the child abuse scandals so they can see them and pass the posts out to their community.
I also know of one JW woman who goes up to Cumberland House with both her Watchtower literature and her Avon business. She kills 2 birds with one stone.
Funny thing is though, the reserves don't get worked...I think the JWs are scared to send people out there. They should be scared.
It makes me angry that the WTS is targeting the First Nations in Canada. It is ignorant and damaging to the First Nations people.