Do Jehovah's Witnesses teach that you must be baptized in order to be saved?
The Watchtower, November 15th, 2008 Issue, Pages 20-22:
"We are "saved through faith," "not owing to works" of the Mosaic Law or of those performed as Christians. Our faith should be more than mere professed faith. (Eph. 2:8-9; John 3:16) It should move us to godly action. [...]
"Baptism is a requirement for those seeking salvation. However, baptism itself does not save us. Salvation is actually "through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." The baptismal candidate must have faith that salvation is possible only because Jesus died a sacrificial death, was resurrected, and "is at God's right hand," having authority over the living and the dead."
Compare that newer article to this older one:
The Watchtower, August 15th, 1997, Page 7:
"Baptized Christians are saved in the eyes of God. (1 Peter 3:21) During the coming destruction of this wicked world, God will save them completely by preserving them through that tribulation.—Revelation 7:9, 14."
Just one more flip-flop in their teachings? Another "New Light"? The light does get brighter and brighter (then darker) then brighter (then darker) -- dagnabbit, someone needs to stop playing around with the light switch -- that lightbulb is gonna blow! lol!