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There is no good reason to leave
by verystupid77 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
However Jehovah's Witness doctrines provide no valid reason for baptised members to leave the religion. [ 149 ] Any who do choose to depart and announce their decision to terminate their membership are regarded as abandoning God's organization and protection and voluntarily entering the world of Satan, [ 149 ] [ 150 ] becoming part of the antichrist. [ 151 ] Watch Tower publications define such individuals as being "more reprehensible than those in the world" [ 151 ] and direct that they are to be shunned by other Witnesses, including close relatives, with no social or religious contact and no greeting given. [ 148 ] [ 150 ] Sociologist Andrew Holden claims his research indicated many Witnesses who would otherwise defect because of disillusionment with the organization and its teachings retain affiliation out of fear of being shunned and losing contact with friends and family members. [ 149 ] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beliefs_and_practices_of_Jehovah's_Witnesses WATCHTOWER IS COMMITTING A HATE CRIME! By applying the scandalous label of "anti-christ" to all who disagree with their doctrines, Watchtower has not only raised itself as a Supremist Sect, but it has also endangered the lives of those it seeks to persecute. Because of the stigma and paranoia of the word "anti-christ" by the masses of religionists, Watchtower endangers free thinkers and those who oppose its Supremacist Religion a target for others who would kill them because of their fears of "anti-christ". Since this information has now been published world wide against those who disagree with Watchtower, there should be a class action lawsuit against them for inciting hatred toward a group of people. In slandering their opposers in such a violent way, they have also hurt the businesses and income of these people. They are also responsible for alienation of affection from their family members. Words can kill as easily as guns. When you take a mans food from his table or cause his family to feel threatened for associating with him, you have done just as much damage as if you had put a knife through his heart. This act of hateful name-calling and doctrinal decrees which tear families apart are no less than Acts of Terrorism. Using fear of losing family as a means to control people, as documented by the sociologist above, is an Act of Terrorism. So why is this not being addressed in the public legal arena? Why should any religion be protected by "laws of separation" when it becomes a Terrorist Organization?
I am sure you will get plenty more good reasons to leave here!
This is the best one IMHO
John 14:6 (New International Version)
6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
All the best,
I can imagine the people on the Jonestown site ,saying the same thing
as they drank the koolaid, (also feeding it to the kids,)
I can imagine it is just like those in "Waco,"as the flames leaped around them
saying the same thing as they "lovingly' held the little ones hands .as they burned!
!But in the Wt it is because they are dying one here,one there,
HOW??? No blood, suicide,murder,& because they have stolen most of
our families if we leave,many go to drugs,or feel useless with out love..
I am VERY !VERY!GREATFUL they kicked me out!!! I never knew what happiness
was until 2 years after that.THANKS ALOT!!!! BROOKLYN "BROTHERS?"For setting me free!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace, you should be very happy that Satan's organization kicked you out. :)
Grace, you should be very happy that Satan's organization kicked you out. :)
Oh I sure am... I probably would still be there if they hadnt. I would NEVER
go against "Mother" Especially when I had my black eyes!& the Elders told mehow fortunate I was to be allowed to preach still,while other dear "Brothers"
were in prison being beaten. DAH!!!! Oh please dont remind me of what a
dumbass I was... If I am one now,Its because I want to be. SO BLESSED!!!! -
The WTBS makes it appear that if you get a higher education or pursue a career that materialism
will choke you to death. You would become so unhappy if you did not make the ministry your first
I remember a doctor who got baptized. This doctor was not a pioneer.
He was not regular in the field ministry or the meetings because of his occupation. Yet the elders
and the co wanted to get on his good side. Even used him in the congregation. Apparently his
career did not choke him to death.
My happiest times are enjoying my secular work, my hobbies, being with my immediate family, and
volunteering in helping the homeless and disadvantaged. You can trully be happy in doing what
you trully enjoy in life.
VERY STUPID- Good thread. Also some very good comments by others so far here. Good points some posters made about witnesses denying we could EVER find happiness outside the cult. They are taught to believe our happiness comes from " Satan " and it's not a lasting happiness. Truth be told - when I went to meetings I felt like the elders WERE Satan ! I felt like packing a hacksaw into my bookbag and sawing the horns I saw sprouting out the elders heads ! Still wouldn't of worked- they'd just grow new ones !
But seriously, these people are SCARED TO DEATH to find out a person can gain happiness outside the Jehovah's Witness cult. Because it would cause them to face the fact they have been lied to about the fantasy paradise and the illusionary " Armageddon ". It would blow a hole in their false hopes. So they find it easier to believe in an illusion to have a crutch to lean on- rather than discovering the real life - which is the life we live in the here and now which can be more enjoyable with freedom we NEVER had in the cult. Just my take
i've always found it interesting how when I run into people from my old congregations they always ask in sincere, slightly hushed tones
so how are you?
As if they are not sure they want to know the answer but curiosity is getting the better of them. I always tell them
i'm really happy!
At that point you can almost see the thoughts going on in their heads like oh dear... i better not find out more i'm coming into dangerous territory and they quickly make excuses to get away.
My point is this - they do want to know what it is like outside of the religon. And whether you know it or not there is very strong liklihood (sp) that they will go away and think about why it is you are so happy. I didn't think it was making a difference but I have recently found out that it has from my own JW mother who is making steps to fade away... :-)
Very good post.
One thing I got really sick of about JWs after a few years was the use of "happiness" (think idiotic smile at the doors and applause at conventions) as a sales (or loyalty motivation) argument. And incidentally I find a lot of the same in xJW talk (e.g. "being happy is your best revenge," and so on). Perhaps it's a cultural as much as a personal thing.
I for one didn't leave JWs to be happier, nor with the prospect of being happier. I did so because I felt I had to, no matter how dark the future seemed to me "outside" back then -- at some point staying became simply unthinkable inasmuch as it would have required lying to myself and others, which I was less and less able to do. I remember when well-intentioned people (whom I loved) tried to warn me I often thought to myself "you'll see in the end" but soon realised they wouldn't because there is no "end".
Perhaps we all (those who stay and those who leave) do what we have to do, and what we can do. Perhaps it's actually the same thing for any of us. Does that add up to a "reason," good or bad, I dunno.