I want to say that you don't seem so angry at
Jehovah anymore..& to that I cling. Weird, I get those exact same words from my Mom. "you don't seem angry at Jehovah. Yada, yada." Oh, and you are precious to Jah and the FDS. And Satan will get you if you don't return and be the spiritual head. Sorry, but this must be what they were learning at the Tuesday bookstudy. How to try to get your family back. Gag. I get those e-mails regularly.
I don't know where she gets that I was once angry at Jehovah. Even if I was (before I stopped believing in him), I certainly never gave any indication to her about it. And about the whole Satan will try to destroy my marraige thing--what a bunch of malarky. So ironic, that it's the Society's own policies that break up marraiges.