You get contacted, you come in, you learn the bible their way, then you learn the bible YOUR way and then you leave.
The truth is that the reason my wife and I left was bound up with "Making the Truth Our Own"
by gubberningbody 60 Replies latest jw friends
Oh! Why did you have to put that song in my head!
Make the truth your own..
A dog should know his bone
If you won't look, you'll be a schnook
And then your mind they'll own
hi gb
you know I agree with you on this one, People do leave when they decide they have a greater truth from the bible in themselves alone.
but how do you know your reasoning is better?
even if they weren't annointed, a group making judgement on scripture is bound to be better than a person alone, because how would you keep your own personal desires from shaping what you read?
Would you soften bible absolutes like, One Almighty God, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry etc that you may find are not suited to your new situation?
even if they weren't annointed, a group making judgement on scripture is bound to be better than a person alone
I have to agree with you...A group decision is better than an individual decision. The BIGGER the group the more chance of them coming to the Right Decision...... Therefore I nominate Catholics as having the TRUTHâ„¢
Reniaa Writes:
"even if they weren't annointed, a group making judgement on scripture is bound to be better than a person alone"
**** Hey Reniaa, take another WHIFF OF THIS:
And that is what happened when your little "group" made judgments on scripture and then forced all JW's to follow all those sorry judgments.
We got false predictions all over the place, wacky science, dead people, blinking lights, broken families, no kids, dead end jobs, doctrinal failures etc etc
All the while claiming it was "food from God".
Poor Reniaa. Life is rough defending all that fact of life Watchtower humiliations. We all know God was sure not behind any of that nonsense and that God sure did choose Watchtower for anything.
Hey Reniaa, if you are buying all those embarrassments and mistakes as "food from God", I've got some waterfront property I can sell ya in Florida.
I think they call it A la Hamptons in el Everglades.
Ren, we all have to make our own conscientious decisions. (Ga. 6:4) When someone(s) in authority decide(s) to "make decisions on inward questionings" (Ro. 14:1) and then insists that he or she not be allowed to "think out loud" and "discuss privately" with others who are ostensibly interested in the same things for the purpose of "iron sharpening iron" (1 Pet. 5:3, Prov 27:17), then that one/those ones has/have overstepped his/their authority into the place of the true head of the congregation - Jesus. (Eph. 1:22) "We must obey God as ruler, rather than men." (Acts 5:29) If one has doubts about a belief or a course of conduct toward self or others as being correct, then he/she must act in harmony with the "law which is written on his/her heart". (Ro. 2:15) As the Bible says "everything that is not out of faith is sin."(Ro. 14:23)
It's that easy. The course of wisdom for those "taking the lead" would be to counsel those who they feel are "taking a false step(s) before he/they is/are aware of it" and then let holy spirit do its work as to showing if this action or that action, these words or those words are bearing the fruit expected.
"As you contemplate how their conduct turns out..." [imitate the faith which leads to the consequences desired and don't imitate the others]
(BTW, all this was for my own benefit, just like the thousands of hours I've spent in the preaching work)
Hi Reniaa. I agree with you about the benefits of group Bible study. In fact my church has group Bible study where all who attend can participate and share their observations of the Scripture reading. However, it is a free Bible study where the Bible is allowed to speak to each of us. It is not the study of a magazine where the questions are found at the bottom of the page and the answers are in the paragraphs above.
There are more things in heaven and earth, reniaa, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
:even if they weren't annointed, a group making judgement on scripture is bound to be better than a person alone, because how would you keep your own personal desires from shaping what you read?
Do you know what a Camel is, reniaa? It is a horse which was designed by a committee. The Watchtower religion is a Camel: ugly, mean, ungangly, stinky, spitters of hate and supremely unappealing.
The concept of God-given Free Will goes in the toilet when committees who interfere with every aspect of your life insert themselves between you and your God.