My wife is attending the DC today. I know she will be all dubbed up when she gets home tonight and I was wondering if there are any comments or questions I can ask or is there anything I should be ready to respond to based on her attending. I know that the theme is "Keep on the watch", I have listened to the audio that AuntBee so kindly provided and from what it seems to me, they are merely driving home the point that folks need to be more faithful in there service because even though we do not know when the end it, it is so very very close.
Wife attending DC today.....
by insearchoftruth 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have something very very positive to relate about your day not being at the DC. Ask how she "enjoyed" her day.
Even if she acts as if she had "fun" she will know that it was anything but fun. -
Well, every situation is different, so what works for one may not work for another...
I, personally, wouldn't ask anything or say anything about the convention or anything related to JWism so soon after a convention. She'll be too 'encouraged' by the atmosphere and the messages.
When my wife offers up some bit of JW inspired information, she'll usually add the epilogue, "...but you don't care about that, do you?" and I'll respond, "nope". End of discussion.
I've learned that when I do respond and add a differing point of view, it ends up in an argument. Better to just keep my mouth shut and wait for the time of my choosing to drop hints.
wha happened?
yea when they come home all dubbed up it's really pointless to say anything. It takes a few days for the oxygen to hit the brain again
I think you should take OTWO's advice. Don't be confrontational. Just emphasize what a great day you had. She's a woman, and she's going to the DC because of the social benefits, not because she just can't get enough of the doctrine. If she feels left out of what you did, it'll make her subconciously evaluate the benefits she gets at the DC.
If I were you I would HAVE a great day!!! Do something really fun
Then tell her what a great day you did have.But as to getting into HER day, let her preach all she wants.But dont argue!Just say"Well we both put God's day that he allowed us to do our own thing"Just remember to show her( & act upon)a LOT OF LOVE!!!!!
Because I am sure she will be all filled up with what BAD FOLKS every one
that dont come to Jehovah is....Good luck. !!!!OOPs!!!! I mean good fortune ( they mustnt say Good luck ....
Well, my father told me 'Everything is bad. They're telling us the end is real soon now.'
Yeah... that was 3 weeks ago. I asked him if he thought things are as bad as they were during the 2 World Wars or the Great Depression? I told him they've been saying the end is coming for over 130 years.
Their numbers are declining so they're doing what they always do when their numbers go down. They try to strike fear is everyone's psyche.
I suggest you go out and have yourself a fun day. Not sure how you want to handle the situation when she gets home. Maybe wait to see what she says. I expect she'll say something along the lines of what my father said to me. I usually try to reassure him if he gets worried about me. I just tell him "Jehovah can read my heart, Dad. You don't have to worry."
Great idea.....non confrontational is quite important, don't need to get her in a preach mode!!!
You are corerct mouthy, when she gets out of any of these events all she can do is point out the bad in what is going on.....even though in my opinion and viewpoint, there are a lot of wonderful things going on as well. Also like the comment about how 'Jehovah can read my heart', for to me faith is a very personal issue between me and whatever I decide to have faith in!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Additionally, you could buy her something nice and let her know that you thought about her today while you were out having fun.
Of course, she then might give you a fresh piece of litteratrash and tell you she thought of you. Then throw up all over it.
Just a suggestion from a single guy.
B the X
babel on
my mother just recieved the new book today from her parents address and it didn't even have a note in it. I guess its there way of saying read this you dead mother :::::} If you love her I wouldnt say anything and if she starts about the end of time ,which more than just jws believe is close say you know, maybey it is but you know hon, Im not scared are you??? This always takes them aback, fear of the end is what drives them and when she shows you somehow how afraid she is, That to me is a great opprotunity to without a word spoken, show her who has faith!