Watchtower Society greedily steals Witness Tsunami relief fund...Sick!

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Just after the Tsunami brothers donated Millions in relief funds, marked "For the Tsunami victims"....not realizing few brothers lived in these Muslim areas. Problem is the Society wanted this money for itself so....

    Kingdom Ministry Nov 2005 {11 months after Tsunami} "Last year Brothers donated towards those effected by the Tsunami disaster...HOWEVER, when donations are earmarked for certain disasters it use these funds ONLY as specified by the donor {so what?} and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of the brothers have been cared for locally or not. It is recommended that donations for humanitarian and relief be made to "the WORLD WIDE WORK" {the Society directly} would be apreciated if such donations were made WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS as to where and how the donations are to be used {by Bethel}....." $$$$$$$$$$$

    Must have had millions tied up marked by the donors as "Tsunami relief." Can't they give some to the poor Muslim vicitms?

  • Kudra

    That's bullshit. They are so greedy and legalistic.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    They want MORE CONTROL over money that is donated...what other religious group would complain about funds diverting to disaster relief?

  • Chalam

    2 Peter 2:1-3 (New International Version)
    False Teachers and Their Destruction
    1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. All the best, Stephen
  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The last time I wrote a check to the WBTS, they had recently asked people not to restrict the use for any specific disaster.

    I can't remember what disaster I was giving it for, but I specifically wrote it was to be used for that only.

    You don't have to do as they say. Of course, I don't donate anymore. I use what extra I have to help those I know that need it.

  • eyeslice

    I am sure that many of us would still be in if they were truly a humanitarian organisation.

    There is lots of talk about down-sizing but no talk about building up any humanitarian efforts. There is nothing this organization could not do if they had the will but the hard fact is that they cannot see beyond the door to door ministry and printing and distributing of literature and all that goes with it.

    Are they truely greedy? Perhaps not, but they are totally mis-guided with regard to the love of God.

  • Mary
    Kingdom Ministry Nov 2005 {11 months after Tsunami} "Last year Brothers donated towards those effected by the Tsunami disaster...HOWEVER, when donations are earmarked for certain disasters it use these funds ONLY as specified by the donor {so what?} and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of the brothers have been cared for locally or not.

    I'm sorry, but what valid reason could there be on setting out a 'time limit'? And I find it particularly nauseating that they have the balls to add "whether the needs of the brothers have been cared for locally or not." *Blink. WTF?* So if Brother Wiped-Out has nothing to live on come November 1st and the Society had the cut off date for relief as October 31st, then I guess he's shit out of luck eh?

    Yes, I can certainly see Jesus doing something like this.

    It is recommended that donations for humanitarian and relief be made to "the WORLD WIDE WORK" {the Society directly} would be apreciated if such donations were made WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS as to where and how the donations are to be used {by Bethel}....."

    In other words.....they don't want to legally have to spend a DIME of donations to anyone who's actually in need.

    Cha-ching, cha-ching.....

  • restrangled

    Witness 007, I ran across this today on the internet:

    It is a 5 page legal document sent to the Swiss banks to get funds sent to them for Nazi Persecution of Witnesses. When you get to page 4 they outright ask for money, this is from 1999. I would love to know if they received funds from these banks.

    The nerve to try and collect money that actually belongs to individual families! I didn't mean to side track your thread but it seemed like another example of the greed.

    If funds are donated and designated for a certain cause, it seems that money should stay where it was intended to go.

    "The world wide work means it can be used for new cars for CO's to diapers and soup at the infirmary for the GB, to lawsuit payoffs, to new buildings with antique chandeliers from Russia.


  • designs

    I have a written response from the Society on Relief Funds. I had written them a check for a particular disaster and they wrote back that it had been put in to their general fund. Like choosing life it was my last donation.

  • hotspur

    It is a 5 page legal document sent to the Swiss banks to get funds sent to them for Nazi Persecution of Witnesses.

    Goodness...... it was signed by a woman.... a sister?

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