Hubby's Doubts...

by cognac 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cognac

    Well, after reading Mr. Flippers thread yesturday about Stephen Hassan, I decided I would like to talk to hubby about cults in general to see what would happen. I knew we couldn't go to this site because his walls would go up. So, we went to this one:

    We read the page together and talked about it. He said that he has always had a problem with the blood fractions thing and doesn't think that holy spirit is what appoints the elders and MS's (otherwise, he would have been appointed by now and my father wouldn't have been PO for all those years while abusing us at the same time...) He also doesn't believe that only JWs will make it into the new system. I was a little shocked by all this he said...

    He also believes that my family is brainwashed. (I think that's because he doesn't pay attention at the meetings, doesn't study and doesn't go out in service - he doesn't realize that most of the JWs have the same viewpoints as my family...)

    Anyways, any suggestions on other neutral sites we can go to about cults or anything like that???

    (BTW, thanks Mr. Flipper for that post! Very helpful!!!)

  • carla

    I don't time to search my favs for a link but try Margaret Thayer Singer, she wrote 'Cults in our Midts', one of my favorites on cults. If you are researching cults you can't forget Robert Jay Lifton! I have his book 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism- A study of 'brainwashing' in China' (first published in 1963). I believe there are oodles of pages re: Lifton. Just Google those two and see where you end up. Those two practically 'wrote the book' on cults & their effects on society, in my opinion.

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I'm glad to hear your husband is questioning things !! That's cool ! A really good website is Steve Hassan's website which might open your hubby's eyes further. In Steve's book he lists the site as . I think you both will find it enlightening and interesting. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Try a video or two.

    This might be good. Jill Mytton. Ex-Exclusive Bretheren.

  • PrimateDave

    Good video, Black Sheep! Thanks for posting it.


  • BabaYaga

    Wonderful video. Thank you.

    He asks her how she thinks religous abuse compares to sexual abuse... (question is about 6:10) she has quite an interesting answer. Well worth the watch.

  • oompa

    i pretty much now hate everyone here with even .001 % reasonable jw mates..........oompa

  • bohm
    bohm is quite good. Perhaps it would be a good idea to begin by talking over the WTs own litterature? they printed an article in 1994, the most interesting part of it is that it does not provide proper definitions for cult or mind control, but still ask the reader to deside if he/she is subjected to it. You can see it being picked apart here: .

    I think it would be quite interesting to gather quotes/images from WT litterature that fits in with the BITE model or the 8 criteria for thought reform...

  • Chalam

    Dawkins is a clever man. He parallels child abuse with his own term, "religious abuse". Whatever he says, teaching a child about the life of Jesus does equate with the physical and psychological horrors of sexual abuse.

    I am not vouching for the Exclusive Plymouth brethren BTW. One of the elders in our church was brought up in that sect and I have only heard him talk badly about the experience.

    If I want to teach my kids about Jesus then so be it. I will not be shunning them if they decide they want to become a satanist later in life but continue loving them. Jesus came to bring life in abundance and I will show that to my kids. If they decide they want a different life then that will be their choice.

    All the best,


  • Chalam

    As a light aside, I found this

    Separation The Exclusive Brethren practice separation from evil, recognising this as God's principle of unity. They shun the conduits of evil communications: television, the radio, and the Internet.

    Guess where I found that? On their website! LOL The Exclusive Brethren All the best, Stephen

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