Thanks Bonnzo and Cognac......girl i tried reasoning in every possible way......simple questions at first that just hinted at doubts.......but later...things ALWAYS wound up ugly...even email questions where she could take her time doing research.......i would send or give her articles with questions she SHOULD have or want to know......but NOTHING in her mind is willing to question...
nor does she even want to.....i knew things had to change for my own mental health and to save our marriage.....this kinda hit me when after argument 2245 she screamed and with a huge swing slapped the hell out of me twice.......i kinda liked it as i knew that would really eat at her as that is just not her.....anyhoo......all the lies they teach as truth make me want to scream and hit something i had to let it go in many ways......i still vent here and to those that understand, but no more to fam and friends that just dont want to hear it......too little too late for the most part......we have decided to make this marriage work by accepting that each of us will never is not a normal marriage, but i hope doable........ is like she LIKES the blindfold on (blue pill red pill thingy), and i see why from her great "friendships" standpoint.....she/i have (had) great friends......these are (were) fun and nice people......but they are pretty much glad i am outta site/mind now
replacing total social structure at any age can be frightening..........oompa