Any chemists or dental hygenists here? I have a tooth/CO2 question...

by Kudra 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    Could drinking a lot of carbonated water rot your teeth?

    This question has nothing to do with sugar.

    This carbonated water has no sugar but I know that CO2 in water is slightly acidic (like rainwater but more so) and that rainwater dissolves limestone caves... so on a much lesser scale could carbonated water do damage to your teeth which are made of calcium...?


  • Kudra

    I've looked up the equations about CO2 dissolved in water and how it forms carbonic acid... just don't know how it affects tooth enamel...

    I know you chemists are all here surfing the net on a Saturday night... snort snort.

    ...cause I'm here too. Doing statistics... on Saturday night. sigh.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Avoid prolonged contact.

    Do not brush your teeth for at least half an hour after drinking carbonated beverages and fruit juices, or eating acid fruit.

  • Kudra

    But what is due to carbonation and what is due to sugar?

    Avoid prolonged contact with water in your mouth?? How? And what is "prolonged"?

    Carbonated beverages- now is that because usually carbonated beverages are very sugary? Are you only referring to the carbonation?

    Are these statements what hygenists are told to tell clients? Or are what you know?

    I am curious!!

  • asilentone

    My suggestion is that you drink Plain Perrier Water, try that. If you try the Lemon or Lime Perrier Water, it has acid in it, avoid those kind of drinks. I have not been drinking soft drinks for years! If you put a clipped fingernail in a glass of coke, the nail will disappear! Just FYI.

  • Kudra


  • Kudra

    I know coke is "bad".

    Plain perrier water is carbonated.

    Does carbonated water damage your teeth?

    This is my question.

  • SacrificialLoon
    If you put a clipped fingernail in a glass of coke, the nail will disappear!

    Eeeeew. I'm going to have to try that.

    Mmmm... keratin flavored.

  • asilentone

    Loon, it will take about 4 days for the nail to disappear in a glass of coke.

  • asilentone

    Kudra, if I learn that drinking plain perrier water is bad for my teeth, I would quit drinking them. Hopefully someone that knows better than me can answer your question for sure.

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