Hey everyone, I don't think the maker of the video is on the board so I figured I'd post this video here. This one absolutely floored me, it was put together so concisely; it's just incredibly difficult to deny the theocratic warfare method when viewing this video... without further ado, the video:
MUST SEE!!! Best Youtube Video on Theocratic Warfare that I've ever seen!!!
by Tuesday 26 Replies latest jw friends
The video from court is great. The witness is clearly lying, it is written all over his face!
The "interview" outside the KH is not so good. I actually sympatise with the two individuals! In a court the interview technique is called "leading the witness". Also, he asks questions but rarely waits for an answer and is clearly not interested in their answer, just only hearing what he wants to hear.
All the best,
I'm not so sure the elder was necessarily intending to deceive. It reminds me of the Groucho Marx quote:
He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
That's a great video, thanks for sharing.
why is it that exjws have a tendency to take some valid information, sensationalize it, get the context wrong, and fuck it all up?
jesus christ.
some good points here, but overall i dont think the authors are very good at preparing information.
Black Sheep
That was pretty good, but this one, (same guy), is even funnier.
Wasanelder Once
Why do people watch this hack job and slam the witness. It's been posted before on here and it isn't any better with the window dressing that the poster puts around it. I find it disrespectful and self serving. The elder is right, the book is no secret. It contains nothing secret. Only the notes from th elders school are confidential. Its the same as the pioneer book. Many elders share points from it with the R&F. They all know about it. This is a red herring and Propagandatechniques is more interested in promoting his view than any objectivity. He won't even let me post a comment on his videos. He blocked my youtube account from commenting. I think its because I exposed his unreasonable approach for what it is. He hurts the cause with this crap. W.Once
WASANELDERONCE- You stated the ( elders ) book is no secret. True, rank and file publishers may know it exists . You also stated - " It contains nothing secret. " I disagree. It does state in the instructions to elders in the " Shepherding the Flock of God " book in dealing with Judicial committees on page 119 that an accused person "may also present witnesses whose testimony would have a bearing on the case. " Now my question to you - Do elders in the congregation inform rank and file publishers that they can present a witness to bear testimony about their case if they are being charged with a sin ? I've never heard an elder inform the publishers of this " right " they have which is in the " Shepherding " book only for elders. So you see there is information the elders DO NOT want the publishers to be aware of as it would give them more of an advantage going into a JC meeting !
Bottom line is that dishonesty prevails to accomodate the elders and those in authority and power positions in the witness organization - while the typical JW is a " controlled " victim of these blaring injustices. I know. I was a victim who fought against an unprovable alleged " offense" and I had my disfellowshipping overturned by fighting it in an appeal . And I used the elders own " Shepherding " book to help me. Oh - by the way I took a witness with me to my JC meeting and he stood up to the elders on my behalf too. Yes, they were surprised. Proving once again they DO NOT make this right to take a witness known to the publisher. So how many OTHER things in the " Shepherding " book are secret to rank and file publishers ? I bet it's more than just what are notes in the columns . The WT society doesn't want publishers to know their rights pure and simple
Wasanelder Once
The book is presented as if it has evil motive. As if it were some "hidden" instruction that is not known to the R&F. Your point is well taken that there are procedural things there that are not in the magazines. Does the fact that some, if not most elders, do not take the time to read and apply what it says make it the source of some secret plot to set people up? The fact that it contains that admonition shows that it does not contain evil intent. I was never told to make a note NOT to tell people they could not have witnesses when we had a committee. My point is that it is wrong to focus on the book as the source of hidden evil when clearly it is an instruction manual gleaned from the WT and not much different in content than the first Organization book. My focus is on the standard by which propagandatechniques approaches his subject. Sure, take the time to point out that specific example you mention but don't shotgun it like he does because that is a major turn off for thinking people. This is not the Da Vinci Code here. W.Once
The reality with the Elder's book is that a lot of the R&F do not know about it's existence. As a new elder I was discouraged from mentioning the book to the R&F as they may be stumbled to learn of it's existence.
In fact, when the two local elders visited me to tell me of my appointment, they handed me my book and told me to hide it and to not even tell my wife about it.
So, if the book isn't a secret, why is there so much secrecy surrounding it?