I had an hour to kill before picking Julian up at a birthday party, last Friday. So, I decided to go relax at the library. We have amazing libraries all around us.
I found some books to look at to see if I wanted to take the books home. There is a nice area for adults to sit and read, with a sofa, 2 comfychairs and ottomons. I walked up, to find a woman with a child leaning on her, sitting on the sofa. I noticed a backpack lying on the floor. I went to sit down and the woman says, while gesturing her hand & arm around the area, "Uh, we have this whole area. I have four kids and we need the whole (long, big enough for three more kids) sofa and those two chairs." Just then a boy about 9 years old walked up. She said, "See, that is his backpack lying on the floor near the chair. That's his chair."
I was taken aback. I said to her. "When I was a child, we gave up our chairs for adults." I gave her my "You're not slippin' that one by me, honey" look. "I know you know better." I walked over to the children's section and sat on the furniture provided for kids. I stifled the urge to go back over there and give the lady something else to think about. But I thought and I realized that I had said enough.
People keep asking what is wrong with America. I think the problem starts when parents do not teach their children good manners and to respect adults.