cognizant dissident writes:
"Good manners" are really an individual and cultural construct which differ from area to area. We cannot just assume that there is some "correct" manner of acting out there that all human beings should subscribe to just because we do.
Well said.
I know that I'm raising my children a LOT differently than I was raised, because like language, manners have evolved over the years. While I expect them to say "please" and "thank you" and to wait their turn when turns are being taken, they are also learning skills that I was never taught: assertiveness, to speak up when they disagree (even when it's an adult they disagree with), and to resolve conflict by negotiation rather than passive acquiescence. I have taught them to open doors for and give up their seat to the elderly, the disabled, people carrying heavy loads, pregnant women and parents with children in tow.
As far as I'm concerned, an able-bodied woman of the 21st century - especially one who is by all accounts my "equal" - can open a door, stand on her own two feet or find another place to sit. Goodness knows we've fought for equality for decades, and yet we complain when men have "double standards", so let's not have our own double standards and expect deference and special privileges because of our gender.
Oh, and while I'm at it, good netiquette requires post titles to be non-attention seeking, i.e., no ******** etc to make them stand out vs. other titles, a practice for which you are well known, FHN. Not that I really give a crap, but since you are so focused on being mannerly, please keep up with the trends.