New Stance on how to treat DF?

by InquiryMan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    The drama was not about getting disfellowshipped. I remember the stories about how it was about merely leaving a pio-sneer family so one can get a decent job. They made up a worst-case scenario, including an accident, to make it look really bad to have a decent job--along with a number of near misses. However, nothing was done that could have gotten the victim disfellowshipped in this drama.

    A few will probably interpret it as softening their position. That is, until the hounder-hounders get word on the issue and start cracking down hard on it again.

  • insearchoftruth

    My wife said the drama was 'stupendous', I am sure she will be trying to figure out what it really means. I heard her talking to her study sister about how her father has been reinstated and how wonderful that is that he is once again close to Jehovah.

    Shunning, a very heinous doctrine!

  • Scully

    WTWizard writes:

    However, nothing was done that could have gotten the victim disfellowshipped in this drama.

    True enough, but they sure like to speculate and gossip and make judgements about what the person is doing wrong, when they aren't going Door-to-Door™ or attending all the Meetings™. Goodness knows they've said some pretty nasty things about me and Mr Scully and our children - none of it true - but accepted and spread as though it were. I don't know how anyone would ever want to go back to a belief system that employs back-stabbing, slander and malicious gossip about the people who no longer belong to the group. What are they going to do? Take it all back and apologize? I doubt it.

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