What Religion Are You?

by homeschool 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Yizuman said: If you're asking God to intervene, then you're asking God to destroy free will. It's a cop out to blame God for everything bad that happens and forsake responsibilities from within ourselves.

    Yizuman, since you apparently have no knowledge of what's happened to me this year, I won't respond in my normal fashion. Rest assured, the hand I've been dealt this year is NOT my fault. If it were, I would not be blaming God.

  • PSacramento


    Do you truly feel, in your heart, that God has singled you out and made you go through what you have this past year?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Agnostic JW.

  • Mary

    Mary, Do you truly feel, in your heart, that God has singled you out and made you go through what you have this past year?

    It sure as hell feels like that. I literally thought I was going to crack under the strain in March. No idea if God singled me out but I'm starting to feel more and more like, if He exists, He doesn't give a shit about us.

  • yknot


    Okay.... I fess up I still am 'active' at the KH but I also attend with hubby at his church. His fellow congregants are nice enough people and have many upbuilding activities that promote 'Purpose Driven Lives' within the Christian perspective that are beneficial to our family.

    Generally I have been forced to look at the world of religion as fellowship and mutual praise sessions only while faith is entirely personal.

    I think I advocate 'church hopping' in regards to fellowship. Perhaps the Methodist work for a certain amount of years and the Presbyterian another only to be replaced by the Lutherans later on......(I am sure you get the picture).

  • PSacramento


    Though I am sure you may have heard this before, but perhaps it was God that was giving you the strength to endure...

  • mouthy

    Mary.You KNOW my life. I realize how heavy your heart is darling. BUT!!
    Me personally ! I truly believe it is Satan that is attacking you & yours.
    Why would he not? look how many "helps"( the book) you have worked
    on & paid for & sent... If you HAD a hubby he might say "WHY DONT YOU
    I am not going to preach to you. But I am going to say,through the loss
    of My kids,the bombing,the hateful way the WT used me. I do honestly
    believe it is because I talked to God to give me strength,& I believe HE gave it.
    I am reading a book called "WHERE is GOD when it hurts"by Phillip Yancey
    Its not as if HE(Phillip)knows for sure,but lets me think he has thought as I have
    in heartache.No one can tell you what to do,, how to feel,but I would suggest
    prayer MAY help...It gives me comfort,I know it doesnt everyone..

    Chin up my love... I wont insult you by doing my "thing" on here but will do it
    in my "closet" for you & yours as I have been.You see I believe Satan rules the earth....

  • PSacramento

    Philip Yancey's books are inspirational.

  • C. T. Russell
    C. T. Russell

    What’s up homeschool!

    I did visit some other churches, but I don’t think I could join one. Partly because of my ingrained JW bias. Also because of the old saying “fool me once, shame on me”

    But Methodist where my favorite. They had muffins.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Wicca. I believe that the god of the Bible is a deadbeat absent father who set down rules thousands of years ago and only shows up to punish us for not following them (in the Bible stories). Now, he just fails to show up at all since about 2,000 years ago. More loving than we can possibly imagine? Buwahahahahaha!!!

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