You may very well be the most highly educated and most intelligent person currently posting in this forum, but the least educated, average intelligence xjw reader quickly realizes that you don't understand the JW mentality or the workings of the Borganization.
You state:
It's not true, as the poster above evidently believes, that I think that this issue should not be given any publicity. I'm almost always in favor of the truth getting out, though people may disagree about how much energy one should expend to get it out. The lesser of the two points I tried to make was that this publicity is not necessarily going to hurt the Watchtower, and might even help.
Geez, I wonder how "the poster above" got such an impression considering this statement in your initial post:
... I'm now of the opinion that continued commentary on this matter may only serve to foster an even greater conviction on the part of rank and file JWs that they are being persecuted, and they will increase their efforts to recruit members; this will offset what I think will be a miniscule number of defections by those who will feel betrayed because of the UN affiliation.
Your inconsistency aside, let's consider your assumptions re the Borg:
... continued commentary on this matter may only serve to foster an even greater conviction on the part of rank and file JWs that they are being persecuted, and they will increase their efforts to recruit members; ...
The vast majority of readers (I limit the number because I suspect that you have friends here who recruited you over here to diddle this issue. Who? Who shares Joe's core beliefs?) easily see this statement as evidencing no understanding that JWs are continually bombarded to do more, more, more in every Borg magazine or book they read at home and at every Borg meeting they attend. JWs are already conditioned to view every negative thing they encounter as "persecution"; from getting an unexpected bill in the mail to being yelled at during field service. JWs are exhausted from years and decades of giving 110%, and critical "persecution" such as the UN issue will not motivate 111%.
Readers also understand that your argument re the UN issue can be applied to any and all criticism of the Borg. Any resistance to the Borg is futile since it will initiate increased Borg efforts which result in more gains than losses. Of course, the converse is that if we stop all criticism, or even assist the Borg, then... well you get the idea.
... Second, I believe that the Watchtower can easily defend itself. ......My main point was that given the evidence currently arrayed against it, the Watchtower will find it very easy to defend itself, perhaps even without lying--in my opinion. ...
Correct conclusion, but incorrect reasoning.
The Borg can easily defend itself WITH ANY ARGUMENT (truth, lie, or the Borgified half-truth) because 97+% of JWs think the Borg is God's mouthpiece, and unquestioningly accept whatever the Borg says as God's word.
The reason why I think there will be few defections is described below.
Correct again, but again based on incorrect reasoning.
There will be few defections for a number of reasons, only a few which I will take the time to briefly outline:
First, as indicated above, 97+% of current JWs have already been fully assimilated, and for these, something "extreme" has to occur to their individual lives to break the Borg umbilical cord. Only then will issues such as the UN association have potential to affect them
Second, of the remaining -3%, only a minority will ever hear about the UN or other issues for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the media's disinterest.
... Thus, the efforts its opponents are putting forth are unlikely to come to much, again, in my opinion. ... this publicity is not necessarily going to hurt the Watchtower,...
Incorrect conclusions.
Joe, you are too intelligent for this and your other conclusions. Now, I know you aren't a Watchtower supporter, so what's the agenda for your presence here? Who are your friends here who invited your diddling?
It doesn't take a genius to know that there's more people at stake than current Borgites. There's the countless "potential" Borgites who hopefully will be affected by this and other issues.
Just like every precautionary safety measure that has ever been taken, only an after-the-fact longterm statistical analysis can approximate the number of "accidents" which were prevented. Although we will have to wait a few more years to fully appreciate the impact of this and other issues disseminated via the internet, the Borg's stats for the past 5 years do seem to indicate a trend which refutes most of your arguments.
Of course, you really don't believe them yourself, do you?
Who's your buddies here, Joe?
Those who are highly intelligent, high educated atheists like yourself?
What's their agenda?