JWN is thought provoking!..
This board is a very interesting place to be.....If you are a JW.....Were a JW.....Are thinking of becoming a JW.....Like JW`s.....Hate JW`s.....Or..Like pretending to be a JW..LOL!!
"Pretending to be a JW",will be the subject for this thread..
We have aready met people on this board,who have no problem pretending to be Jehovah`s Witness`s and support the WBT$......But..Have no interest in following the WBT$..Or.. Doing any of the hard work it takes to be a Jehovah`s Witness..
I have met people like this,in real life..
Have you ever met people in "Real Life" that:
Liked to be around Jehovahs Witness`s?
Supported the WBT$.....But..Could`nt be bothered to follow the WBT$?
Could`nt be bothered to do "ALL" the hard work that the WBT$ expects from Jehovah`s Witness?
Expected to be Treated as an Equal among Jehovah`s Witness`s?
The most important Question of all..
How did you feel about people who behaved like this,in Real Life?