...People who "Pretend to be Jehovah`s Witness`s"...

by OUTLAW 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    If all you do is hang out with JW`s..It`s more likely than not,you may want to be one.....But.. Not have to do all the work it takes to be a Jehovah`s Witness,as so many of us have seen..


  • Girl from County Hell
    Girl from County Hell


    I know what you mean, but it still boggles my mind. I spent a lifetime pretending not to be a witness whenever possible!

  • cameo-d

    OK Outlaw, you got me. I pretended to be a JW ONE TIME. I wanted a damn politician to get his sign off the edge of my driveway. He was starting to spew political crap when I asked him to remove it. The only way to get this impossible person to stfu was to say "We don't vote we are JW ". He stopped in mid sentence and said "say no more!" If I had not done this he would have tried to brow beat me for half an hour and I did not have time to put up with his foolishness.

    I only did it to get the job done! It worked.


    Girlfromcountyhell..I knew Dub Kids like that..

    Cameo-d..I love it!..Priceless!!..


  • cameo-d

    Here is the incident in detail from one of my early topics, Outlaw.


  • Violia

    I knew many who were "social jws', just there for the family and friends. I don't blame them. The WTS forces you into this. I also knew the people who struggled with "sins" and never could quite make it as an approved associate. Those I felt the worst for b/c they were just human and took every word the mags and elders said as coming from God. They either had alcohol problems or marriage problems or their kids were running wild ( often with the elders kids). They tried but just could not fit in with all the "good jws"- you know the really good elders kids who were some of the most wild kids around. They usually got away with it and the sincere , "loaded down with sins" people would confess and be DF.

    I think some of the most fake jws I ever knew were elders, Ms,Do, Co and pioneers. They would do anything to retain that title. The ones that truly took to heart what they heard but had a habit beating themselves up too much would be Df and shunnned. Jws can be so fooled easly but charm and fun people.

    pardon spelling as I am in firefox and apparently can't edit, spellcheck or cut and paste.


    Violia..Our own "Gumby" went back,so he could be with his Family and Grandchildren..

    He still comes back and says Hi from time to time..

    "Gumby" is still well loved on JWN..


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey there Outlaw,

    If you had attended the District Convention drama, you'd know the current lingo in the "Pure Language" (tm) is "Part Time JW".


    Oh yeah. Guilty as charged.

    Except I feel not a shred of guilt toward this organization which twisted my arm into a life-long irrevocable contract while still a child.



    Open Mind..I realise there are part time Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    The ones I find odd..Are the ones who are not Jehovah`s Witness`s .....But ..Pretend to be Jehovah`s Witness`s,simply because they associate with Jehovah`s Witness`s..


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sorry Outlaw. I'm a little slow on the uptake, especially late at night.

    But that's what you'd expect from an elder.

    (Where's that snickering Mutley when I need him?)


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