How Old is Too Old to have Children?

by VIII 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • VIII

    Blondie, there are new studies that show older men who father children have children with higher frequencies of autism and schizophrenia.

    This used to be a female only issue. Now it is an issue for both partners to think about.

    Just because the boys can swim, does not mean they should be in the gene pool.

    Here is one link:

  • straightshooter

    I know an older man who father a child. Sadly he died ten years later, the mother who was in reaching retirement age could not handle the child emotionally. Therefore she put the child into a home. Really a sad situation.

  • oompa

    I swear she did not look a day over 47......and the preggo was a total accident!.....hotest 67 year old lay ever.........oompa

  • yknot


    But with scientist regenerating ovaries in rats..... such advances could be seen as future therapies for menopause and cancer survivors.

  • LouBelle

    I'm 33 and know that even that is late-ish for a baby. I'd love to have a child, I don't think it's going to happen though. Later on I may adopt or as someone else suggest be a big sister figure.

  • ninja

    if you're in alabama.......14

    just kidding sylv.......(still hiding though)......he he

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Biologically, the twenties is the healthiest time for a woman to conceive. The risk gets greater with every year over 30 but is still fairly low at 33, LouBelle. It is after 40 that the risk becomes really great and by age 45 most women would have to use donor eggs to get pregnant. Their womb can carry a baby if they haven't gone through menopause, but their eggs have deteriorated to such a point that there is a 1 in 25 chance of having a baby with a chromosonal defect. Men's sperm also begins to deteriorate after age 40, albeit more slowly.

    Nature does indeed tell us when is the best time, the question is, are we wise enough to listen to it?

  • Scully

    As long as science has an interest in pushing the limits of human fertility, and as long as there are people (who have more money than brains, apparently) willing to pay for the technology, there are going to be more people at an advanced age having children.

    Just because it is possible, doesn't mean that it is ethical. When a childless person decides in their late 40s/early 50's that it's time to have a child, it almost seems as though having the child is simply another task on their life's "to do" list that they need to check off before they die.

  • snowbird
    if you're in alabama.......14
    just kidding sylv.......(still hiding though)......he he

    Tee hee hee. See? I can take it. *punches Ninja in the shoulder*

  • BurnTheShips

    It's all relative, if the average lifespan gets pushed out to 100, and a person in their sixties is biologically in what would currently be a 40 year old state, then having children at that age will not present a problem. We are going to live longer than past generations. We need to rethink our deeply ingrained ideas about aging. Physical aging is a disease. There is nothing magical about it. It can be cured.


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