by FreeFallin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws

    Hello FreeFallin,

    Wow! Dont act too quickly. A very short time ago I was encouraging folks like you to come an back to the meetings. Now the local boys are doing the same with me. A like what Frenchy and Amazing have to say. Some of these guys really believe they are doing a loving thing to get you back or at least keep you in contact with the JW's. They are victims too. Just last month a recently resigned elder tried to reason in his own heart that the Witnesses must have the truth because look what they do for each other as brothers, such love. The instance he was speaking of I pointed out to him was mostly his acts of love and the congregation took credit for it. He is a good man, and there are good men and women in each congregation. But they are duped. FreeFallin, dont follow the duped. Lead them.


  • FreeFallin

    Hello Everyone,

    Wow, what wonderful answers, I am truly appreciative for all the support, it wasn't what I expected. Thought I might get really lambasted for not standing up for myself, etc. That has always been a problem for me. Thank you all again, such good suggestions. Tonite I intend to sit down and formulate a plan on how to deal with this in the future. Again thanks so much. I know I have a lot of work to do.

  • borgfree

    I know there are some serving as elders etc. who may be decent people apart from the WT. However, the people they hurt by enforcing the WT doctrines are just as hurt as if done by an unloving elder. The innocent children who refuse blood by listening to their parents AND the backing of the GOOD elders are just as dead. As long as these GOOD elders preach and enforce the terrible doctrines of the WT, then they are just as responsible for those wrongs as a bad elder.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • LB

    Hmmm, only offered water and towels. While witnesses offered scriptures. Trust me there are times when water and towels seem very loving to me. So these horrible preachers were offering comfort, while not expecting a bible study in return. How horrible.

    Be careful free. They can suck you back so easy.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • patio34

    Hi FF,

    There is no substitution for educating yourself and deciding what is right and wrong. We can all offer you advice, but what makes a victim a victim is to be a follower. Be strong. Be smart. Read. Think. By not doing those things is how people become duped. Don't let the WTS or anyone else tell you what you CAN'T or SHOULDN'T read. See all sides of the picture.

    I didn't do enough of the above and wasted 28 years in the borg. 'Yes, I am wise, but it's wisdom born of pain.'

    It's time to stand up and take charge. Kick butt! Let's roll!

    All the best to you!

  • rhett

    Just because someone has good intentions doesn't mean that they can help. If you had to have brain surgery and there were two people there to do it whou would you want to do it, your spouse who loves you and needs you in their life but is a farmer or a trained brain surgeon who is known as being the best in the field but has never met you? Just the same, do you want someone who has got their training from the JW's to help guide your life? They're a load of friggin idiots.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • logical

    Im just trying to figure out what would be more useful for victims of the WTC.... scriptures or water & towels.

  • Tanalyst

    "priests and ministers only offered water and towels"

    Seems like they're getting jealous and judgemental. JW's always have to insinuate their better, just like them Pharisee's.

    Matt:10:42 "And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water... will by no means lose his reward"

    ...( I learned that from WT.)

  • RedhorseWoman

    Free, please be very careful. Before I made my final exodus, my husband and I were in the same situation you are now. The only difference is that we made the first step in going back to the Hall.

    Initially, it was wonderful.....and then the pressure started. Get to more meetings, study more, do this, do that....don't you think it's time to get back out in service? And, it didn't take long before the pressure was applied...perhaps three months.

    Our "great adventure" ended in my husband's getting disfellowshipped for smoking (thirty-day ultimatum that he couldn't meet), and my total disillusionment due to the lies and deception that occurred.

    priests and ministers only offered water and towels
    Ah, here we go again. This statement is similar to the ones I remember criticizing other religions for offering medical help and food after a natural disaster. The statement was always made that it was SO much better to give the people a Bible study that would lead to everlasting life rather than material goods to assuage an immediate physical need.

    Even then, as an active JW, I found this to be very odd. When someone is starving in the here and now, a Watchtower magazine isn't going to help much.

  • Unclepenn1

    >>"priests and ministers only offered water and towels"

    Jesus said 'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in'

    "Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?'

    "The King will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

    It's amazing how blind the WT is when it comes to the words of Jesus. I mean, ALL THEY WERE DOING WAS GIVING THEM WATER!! Arghh! I can't stand it!

    I believe it was St Francis of Assisi that said 'Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words'.

    FF, about prophecy. Everyone who reads the Bible is looking forward to that blessed hope we have in Christ. When God will set up His kingdom and reign forever. I watch the news and read the words of Christ and often wonder 'how long, oh Lord'. But the only differece is that the WT claims to speak for God and have predicted the end over and over, while most Christians are looking for that blessed hope, yet fixing our eyes on Jesus. Don't be fooled brother. You are being told the skin of the truth, stuffed with a lie. Trust in Christ, not man. He will never let you down. His words are eternal. The WT is just another religion..... Write me if you want to chat. ( [email protected])

    Lord bless you :)


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