Recently talked with a brother who had the following experience.
He and wife had been on a trip out of town, and they started rehashing old wrongs, he had mentioned that she wasn't very nice to him lately in fact the last several years. She wanted to know why he had felt that way. When he told me that right then and there I mentioned that they or at least he shouldn't have brought up old or current wrongs. But he did, and when he gave her a for instance experience she exploded and started accusing him of putting down her family when all he wanted to point out was that she was better to them and nicer to them they she had been to him for several years.
Well to cut it short he told me she got really pissed and started putting him and his family down, and he got mad stopped the car and said you drive i am going to walk up a ways to cool off, Well she took off and left him there, his wallet was in the car, as was his hat and any water that he might of had to drink. The temp he told me was 105 and on the hot highway it seemed to be a lot hotter than that. he was 50 miles from home and 12/13 miles from the nearest place to get a drink.
He got picked up by the highway patrol 4/5 miles down the road and dropped off at a area 8 miles away that had a mickey d's and left him, there well with no money, he couldn't satisfy his thrist and waited there several hours and finally started walking again and got a ride for another ways down the road. He got let out 20 miles from town, walked several more miles, got another ride into town and walked 8 miles from where he was let out to his hom.
I told him that was a hell of an experience and why the hell are you still with her. Well they still have kids at home, and he doesn't want to desert them. So he stayed and is trying to make the best of it. The crown jewel of this story is that she is a sister in a local congregation that is suposedly in good standing, in fact she aux pioneers time to time and goes out two to three days a week.
I told him he should leave at least for a week or two but he is hesitant. So I don't know what will come of it. But told him you have to do what ya have to do.
I wanted to know what you all though he should do, and what do you think of this supposedly good fine sister.