Okay I am little concerned she didn't come back for him...... out of concern.
I am also concerned that he didn't have the good sense (pride maybe) to call her collect and fetch him from the Mickey Ds.....a simple apology as an olive branch for her to apologize could have smoothed this over fast.
I mean she probably didn't notice his wallet or hat....because she was clearly as upset as he.
Beyond that it was freakin' fight, both are to blame for not communicating like rational adults.
She is no more in the 'wrong' then he.
Counseling..... to improve their juvenile coping and communciation skills might be helpful. I mean if he is going to 'stay for the kid's sake' then why half-ass it? Why not try to be happy instead of locked into a bitter situation that could be resolved through re-connection techniques. I mean come on, every parent knows ....parenting takes over the relationship and you go through a disconnect phase in the process of taking care of little ones until they are in like 2nd grade!
Further why is still harping (blaming/bad mouthing her) on this like he had no responsibility in the collapse of the conversation and the lack of recovery?
Sorry it just sounds so high-school drama-ish instead of a mature and respectable relationship... So I think he should just 'grow up'.