I had no idea until I read it on here about 12 months ago and then researched the WTS publications directly ;(
How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??
by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was bewildered enough that I had to go through Jesus.
I remember when we would study the Revelation Book, thinking, "Where do they come up with this stuff? I don't think I can wrap my mind around that." Especially the symbols they would try to apply to themselves, the annointed I mean. Even then there were things they taught that seemed to far out: things I did not believe. The list of things too far out grew and grew....
wha happened?
I remember this teaching and I bought it. It wasn't until recently that I figured out it was just words of men. Jesus bought and paid for me a long time ago. No Dorko in a dorm room in New York can change that
So essentially, every Witnesss that died, up until the time this teaching was changed, had NO mediator.
What a crock.
The teaching that Jesus is only mediator of the anointed is still fully intact unchanged since Rutherford.
(Recently as April 2009 WT-SE page 27, para 14, 15.)
Rumors of committees discussing mass sweeps of past interpretations (Rutherford, Knorr, Franz) have been whispered since 2007.
So essentially, every Witness that has died, up until now and also tomorrow, has no mediator.
I guess "redeemer" doesn't cover the whole mediator role. Stark contrast there to differentiate as most Joe's wouldn't discern.
Thank you Yknot.
Somehow this got past both my wife and I. Either we were busy with other things or it just went in one ear and out the other. However when my wife (who was raised going to a mainstream church) read this in the course of doing some research, she was pretty much done being a JW.
Yes I knew jesus was only the mediator for the ""first fruits chosen from the earth"". Remember we had to 'grab hold of the skirt of a jew' or something along those lines - thus indicating it's by our association with the chosen that we of the greath crowd may be saved.
I knew it... However, did not like it or even fully subscribed to it.
The implications of this heretical WT doctrine are huge.
Once again, they go directly against the words of the bible and Jesus Himself.
John 14:6 (New International Version)
6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
The implications are:
1. The cannot pray to the Father, "Jehovah".
2. They cannot come to the Father.
3. They are not on "the way" i.e. the narrow path (Jesus) Matthew 7:13-15 that you find via the narrow gate (Jesus) John 10:7 John 10:9
4. They are not in the truth. Jesus is the truth, not the WT.
5. They have no life, i.e. spiritual life. The narrow path (Jesus) leads to life, and they are not on it or found the gate to it.
6. Everything the JW does is "wood, hay and straw" and is worthless. Even more importantly, they cannot be saved because they do not built on the foundation of Jesus Luke 6:46-49 1 Peter 2:4-8 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
No wonder the WT keep this doctrine tucked away where most JWs won't find it :(
Otherwise, surely many would leave?
All the best,