I fell from the rafters of my house in Northern Utah in 1994 and landed on my head on the cement, it pushed my skull into my brain, the doctors installed 14 reconstruction plates and twenty eight scrues in order to replace my skull fragments. After all that my brain died in the right frontal lobe and temprol area, now I am quite FUBAR. I now have seizures because of it, and my thinking is slowed a lot and my emotions are messed up, I lost two litters of blood and survived before I made it to ER. Shane
Have you ever fell from the roof or do you know someone that fell from the roof?
by asilentone 20 Replies latest jw experiences
horrible life
Last year. Husband of a co-worker. Died, broken neck. His wife found him, where he landed.
Friend of mine fell off 2-3 story houses 3 times (roofing). He was only injured one time when plywood fell on his hands. One time he passed out and was just lying on the ground. We thought he was dead. But a minute later he got up and was ok. His wife made him quit roofing after the 3rd fall.
On June 3rd my dad fell from a 3rd story building. He was on the job and he was sweeping. He stepped back too far and he fell off the roof and landed on his head. He was rushed to the hospital where he died the next day. It all depends on how they landed.
An elder in the congregation I attended owns several rent houses and on a very windy day he fell from the 2nd story and had many broken bones. He recovered but had to have surgery and was down for a few weeks.
A co-worker fell from the roof and landed on his back in the grass. He was an accountant. The doctor told him that he could not sit because of the back damage. He was fortunate that the fall did not hurt his mobility. After a year of therapy he retrained to become a school teacher. He did that for a couple of years then he went back into accounting.
Lucky Calamity
Reading all this makes me cringe. Leprechaun and tracman! I'm staying off the roof unless it's got a sturdy bannister!
I fell, went into shock, passed oit. The guy I was working with was dragging me around when I came to. He said, " I have some friends who are into witchcraft who can help." I said, just get me to a toilet!
I made it to the toilet, saw a chiropractor, and lived to tell the story.
wha happened?
a tenant of mine decided to get on the roof to adjust his TV antenna. He fell off, broke both arms, and sued me. He said I gave him permission to act like an idiot. Fortunately I was on vacation and had the receipts to prove it. I felt bad but he was an idiot
It's scary, my dad had a safety rail up with him too. He had to take it down for a second and he fell and died. I still can't believe that your life can end like that