If we enter into a "New World" with no boundries, and people mix freely in a "perfect world", with no regard for race or a particular ethnicity, what will the world become? How and where would everything settle out genetically in the stream of time?
Defining "race".
by lurk3r 20 Replies latest jw friends
We'd have a hell of a lot less genetic diseases.
Something like dog's ya think? The pure breds are prone to disease and the like, more so than Heinz 57's?
keyser soze
Something like dog's ya think? The pure breds are prone to disease and the like, more so than Heinz 57's?
So you're saying we'd all be mutts? I can live with that.
Mutts are my favorite dogs and I think mixed races are the most beautiful people.
"Race" is purely a social construct, not a biological one. In ancient times the idea of a "white race" or a "black race" the way we think about it today, did not exist.
Hybrid vigor would reduce a lot of incidence of genetic disease in populations descended from different parts of the world. It will happen anyway, without the JW's New World. It is happening in America.
Once all people realize that one's "race" is defined only by the word "human", will people get past their insane idiocy.
I'm not holding my breath, though. Idiotic humans are always looking for ways to feel superior to others: money, fame, looks, prestige, height, cars, clothes, popularity, education, religion and physical strength to name just a few.
Jehovah's Witnesses are right at the top of the biggest bigots in the world because they are "spiritual bigots." Unlike traditional race supremecists who merely hate others who have different physical features, Jehovah's Witnesses wish for their God to MURDER others who have different spiritual beliefs. Even babies who aren't one of their own.
"race" is defined only by the word "human", will people get past their insane idiocy.
Thats not where Im coming from though Farkel. Im talking about breeding. In a "perfect world", with a paradise throughout, and living "forever", and everyone crossbreeding, what will happen. Will there still be "pure" races? Don't get me wrong, I am not prejudiced against anyone or any race. I was just a thought that crossed my mind. In the Socity's new video, I seen a picture of a scene posted here. I looked at one and didn't notice anyone that looked particularily defined in color. If everyone is mixing, and loving one another as we naturally should, what would happen to the ethnic groups? Would everyone eventually become a Heinz 57, with sporatic features representing all the diffeerent ethnic groups that have been in times gone by?
"spiritual bigots."
.. Hey Farkel I like this term..it's very telling ..it is new to me at least..but says a load in just two words