If everyone lived forever, you would still have the same ethinic groups that started the population at least. In reality, it's a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it would be great if EVERYONE could overlook race in choosing who to love. On the other, it would be a shame to lose the diversity we have in such lovely variant skin tones and body features.
Defining "race".
by lurk3r 20 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks BlueCanary - Im long winded. God created this ethnic diversity (if you beleive in God) and it's beautiful. It would seem to me that perhaps, given the way things are headed, that we could lose this.
shame to lose the diversity
.. I think just that that if all went" according to Hoyle" in the name of love and unitythere would be a gradual return to a nice blend of all the races today. Good or bad whose to say ?
If you go by the WT teachings
In the new system, the only ones that will be able to have children are the ones that survive the Big A.
Since that is happening Soon, it will come from the JW's living now. So, there really won't be that many babies born,
well, maybe there will be...........
Won't people that are ressurected be of the race that they once were?
Cripes it's hard for me to hypothetically think this up.
As Camoe has pointed out before - if it was just JW's that made it though, and the whole world lived under control of The Society, and we ALL had the same rules and regulations, it would suck. There would be no individualality, we would all be the same. THAT would suck. Could this not be likened, at least somewhat, to ethnic variety? Who wants to be all the same? This world started out with defined ethnic cultures....why take it away?
Purps - lets say this is true. If people are ressurected from the race they once were, but still, over the stream of time, your still dealing with the same issue.
( An mixed blend)
Won't people that are resurrected be of the race that they once were?
Yes but eventual the babies ,of the babies ,of the babieswould create in theory a mixed blend..... IMO ....over a very extended time
Well, I know I have seen pics from International Conventions where the Society
lets people where costumes of where they are from.
And I have seen recipes in the AWAKE celebrating food from other countries!!!
Maybe that's all they can hope for.
I do understand what you are saying, and I thought about it allot while a JW.
The religion strips away individual uniqueness, and they do it on a bigger scale as well.
ressurected people will not be having babies, i thought!
resurrected people will not be having babies, i thought!
True but survivors will (in JW theory only ) these are the babies I speak of !It's all speculation anyway.. the whole discussion... what if's... if this is to be etc .