show me one set of God's people that didn't have organisational issues due to imperfection?
That's impossible for me to do Reniaa, as I don't accept your assumed premise that any people are "God's people" or that people in general are "imperfect". Humans are as they are, and they create their God's in their own image, according to what they value in this life. That's one reason, I have no burning desire to save any JW's or anyone else from their beliefs. In some respects, we get the God we deserve, in that we create one in our minds that is a reflection of our own level of spirituality or lack thereof. I left JW's because I thought I deserved better, a God who was more compassionate than I, not less so. (I'm still looking in vain, btw). :-)
When we transcend the need for a primitive, patriarchal, parent God, who gives us rules and tells us what to think, do, say and wear, and claims to provide us with easy black and white choices to all life's dilemmas, then we will "grow up" spirituality and move out/on.