Satan loves to mock [make a caricature] reality. So the folklore mocks [makes caricatures of] the Bible. The Earth still is Satan's world, until Satan's overthrown.
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady 226 Replies latest jw friends
cognizant dissident
We all have our "gods", those whose opinions we put above others. In other words, the opinions of those we live our lives by.
It's true many do, but not everyone, and it is not necessary. We have a choice to live by our own experience especially if we are adults.
I sleep 8 hours a day because my body shows me I need that, not because the doctor or my parents tell me to. I eat every 4 or 5 hours because my body tells me it is hungry not because someone else says it's lunchtime. I exercise because my body stiffens up and get's sore if I don't.
I work, and play "the game" of whatever industry I'm in by other people's rules, because that's how I make money to get the food and clothes and shelter I know I need to survive, not necessarily because I believe in all the rules and certainly not because I view my customers or bosses as godlike or their opinions superior in any way.
I engage in leisure activities, purely because I enjoy them, not because they are popular or fashionable.
I have sex, and have children and look after them because it is the strongest instinctual drive of our species.
I look after the elderly or disabled out of compassion for their suffering and in the hopes that my children or someone else's will do the same for me when I'm old and sick.
Life can really be that simple. We eat, we sleep, we work, we play and we procreate (for lack of a better word). Then we die. There is no greater meaning.
People who can't accept that reality for some reason, feel compelled to make up lots of fantastical stories and force them on their children and other people from other cultures whose stories they don't like as much. Since the stories are so unbelievable, they have to use fear, punishment and shame as inducements for other's to believe. If that doesn't work, they can always kill them, or wait for God to do it.
Yeah, that's the real definition of insanity. I'll take a good dose of reality, no matter how harsh, thanks very much.
posting to see cog's last post
cognizant dissident
cog - yes there is a remarkable similarity between the JW/fundie God and santa Claus
Yes, ql, it is the childhood version of God. Then when the child is around 6-8 years old, it is expected to discard the childhood character as a fairy story, and accept the grownup version of God, which is now REAL! (because grownups believe in it and as we know, they get kind of irate when their beliefs are questioned).
Spike Tassel
those who utter the opinions we each live by, they are our gods. After all, a god is a judge, as per Psalm 82.
cognizant dissident
I just finished demonstrating to you Spike, that it's not necessary to live by other's opinions. Sometimes it may be wise though if they have more experience than I do in a certain area. I may take the word of my surgeon, that I need my gallbladder removed. The pain in my side is giving added weight to his opinion. That does not make him my god. I defer to his greater expertise in that subject. He may later defer to my opinion and greater experience in doing his taxes. That does not make either of us gods to each other. It is a mutual exchange of services based on efficiency. It is advantageous to us both.
Spike Tassel
Let's let Psalm 82 from the NWT Reference Bible [with expanded footnotes] be read into the record, then, regarding the definition of "god" and of "God", so that God may be found true, regardless of what ridiculers may say.
superscript:— A melody of A´saph.
1 God ["God." Hebrew, ’Elo·him´.] is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine One [Or, "God." Hebrew, ’El; LXXVg, "gods"; Sy, "angels."]; In the middle of the gods [Or, "godlike ones." Hebrew, ’elo·him´; LXXVg c , :gods"; Syriac, "angels"; Targums, "judges."] he judges;
2 "How long will YOU keep on judging with injustice And showing partiality to [Literally, "lifting up the faces of."] the wicked themselves? Se´lah.
3 Be judges for the lowly one and the fatherless boy. To the afflicted one and the one of little means do justice.
4 Provide escape for the lowly one and the poor one; Out of the hand of the wicked ones deliver [them]."
5 They have not known, and they do not understand; In darkness they keep walking about; All the foundations of the earth are made to totter.
6 "I myself have said, 'YOU are gods [Or, "godlike ones." Hebrew, ’elo·him´; Greek, the·oi´; Syriac, da’·la·hin; Latin, di´i; Targums, "like angels."], And all of YOU are sons of the Most High.
7 Surely YOU will die just as men [Or, just as earthling man." Hebrew, ke ’a·dham´.]
8 Do rise up, O God ["God." Hebrew, ’Elo·him´.], do judge the earth; For you yourself should [Or, "will."] take possession of all the nations.