I have been SERIOUSLY dissed yesterday!

by AK - Jeff 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    This is even better, Mary. Just the Family Apostate is coming to dinner!

    And if you do, make sure you tell her that for dinner, you want blood sausage, for dessert: blood pudding and if there's any blood left over, you'd like to take it home in a doggie bag so that you'll have something to sacrifice to Satan.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Mary - you are funny!!!

    Made my day.


  • cab1000

    We almost have to wait to hear that a family member got married AFTER the wedding. I know that you got snubbed, we get that too, we think its best to let it go...cause you know how they already think were crazy, no need to prove it...

  • Purza

    Jeff - your post hit a nerve with me. It just pisses me off that they have the gall to do something so stupid. And for the record, I will NOT attend my parents funeral if it is in a KH.

    Two years ago I found out my cousin was getting married. So I searched some of the major websites to look for their registry. I bought them some wine glasses (I spent around $20) and Macy's will ship to the address they have on file as I didn't even know where to have it shipped. In any event, my gift arrived in time for the wedding shower and from what I heard there was all kinds of clucking going on by my aunts wondering 1) how I found out; 2) how did I know where to send it; and 3) why did I sent a gift if I wasn't invited to the wedding. I am not DF'd or DA'd. My point in sending a gift was to let them know I was still alive and interested in their well being. I feel good for sending the gift despite the fact I never even received a thank you card or an invite. I didn't do it for an invite - but just to make me feel better and if they felt like sh*t in the process - well that is on them.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They are a cruel lot.

    I sent the RSVP, as written above, this morning. I figured, why not? Someone over there might figure out that mean can cut both ways.


  • isaacaustin

    AK Jeff...what do you think will happen? Will she contact you?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I doubt it, isaac.

    I just wanted them to know that it cuts both ways. The invitation was sent to show me that I was clearly on the outside of the entire family.

    Over the years, I have never hurt anyone in that side of the family intentionally. When they moved - I helped. When they died - I often did the funerals. When they needed sitters - there we were. When they were having teenage trauma - we were always available.

    My nephew is probably a nice man. How should I really know? Since I left, I have been branded with a 666 on the forehead. Not a single member of the family has ever once called and asked [even asked my wife who is technically in good standing] why I left. They have just banished me as evil without comment until now.

    It will be interesting to see what they do if anything. I suspect they will post 'guards' at the entrance of the Kingdom Hall 'just in case he is serious'. These people are so over the top with their insistent labels, that they cannot see the trees for the forest.


  • isaacaustin

    Would the guards not allow you in the hall? Isn't a KH wedding public?

  • coffee_black

    They are a cruel lot.

    Yes they are. When my only neice got married, I wasn't invited...nor were my children, her only cousins. My kids were never baptized, so she didn't have to shun them. Long after the wedding, I recieved a photo copy of a wedding picture. No names... They didn't even say who she married.

    Such loving people.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Would the guards not allow you in the hall?

    I am not positive anymore on this - but my recollection is that a wedding is a private affair, permitted at the Kingdom Hall as long as the rules are abided. Still, you might be right.


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