When you were in, did you have the Watchtower study underlined?

by asilentone 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asilentone

    What happens if you don't? Did they treat you differently?

  • treadnh2o

    Of course they noticed.

    Why do you think those who didn't study would spend 3 min. underling before they left for the meeting.

  • androb31

    Absolutely!! I was on public reproof for about 6 months time. When I met w/ the JC part of why they took me off reproof was because they noticed I was "studying before meetings by my underlining" in the publications. They said that underlining answers is the sign of a mature christian.

    Question 1: Why was the reproved witness removed from reproof?

    Question 2: Why should you underline answers?

  • VIII

    I know now why I never could return any of my college text books. Too much underlining. I underlined the crap out of them.

  • wobble

    I never underlined,I always said that my comments came from my heart,not a paragraph.I also had this theory that if the Holy spirit was to direct your thoughts and words you would stop its influence by underlining.

    In later years I only used to read the goddam article while they were doing the preamble and reading the first para.



  • bluecanary

    You bet I did. I underlined, being sure to only highlight a few words rather than large blocks of text, like they taught us. I looked up the uncited scriptures and source material and made notations of it in the margins so that I could bring them out at the meeting.

    No, nobody noticed or cared.

  • BabaYaga
    androb said: They said that underlining answers is the sign of a mature christian.

    There you have it, folks! The sign of a mature Christian!!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

  • mouthy

    Of course I did...That is what "MOTHER' told me I had to do

    So being the daft B...H that I was,am, will continue to be
    I obeyed her...>>>.( the faithful slave).Why do you think
    I had black eyes????Because I thought it was all for GOD!!!!

    Yep,I am a very slow learner....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Unfortunately, I must answer yes. I don't anymore though.

    Jehovah blesses those who underline highlight according to James.


  • startingovernow

    Yes, not only highligted, but cited scriptures written in the margins and prepared comments written out. That is how I was taught to do it. And yes, on the rare times I didn't have time to prepare, I quickly made it look like I had. Such a shame-based group, isn't it.

    I did not, however like to mark up my KMs since it made them look too messy to me. Wouldn't you know, a sister saw my unmarked KM and said, "What, you don't study the KM?" Even though it was none of her business, I explained that yes I had studied it, just didn't like to mark it up (this was before the CD-Rom so as far as I knew would always be my only copy). Her response? A glare that indicated disapproval/disbelief that I had indeed prepared.

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