Scientific proof doesn't exist
Is that true? I've heard that some scientists doubt the Theory of Relativity and there are conventions around the world, published papers etc that put forward their doubts, backed of course by research. However, the scientific 'establishment' rejects these doubters, stating that the Theory of Relativity is absolutely solid.
So if scientific proof doesn't exist, how can science provide all of the answers? Surely those answers are subject to change or doubt? And if that's the case, how can mankind's hope and future be built upon them? I keep thinking of the term 'trial and error'. Scientists conduct experiments or trials, and these often result in error. Or have I missed the point?
Something can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt, but that's not really possible with an abstract concept like memes.
So if the subject is sufficiently abstract, it doesn't need to be proved beyond reasonable doubt before it can/should be believed?