I think my underlying point is fairly obvious. Dawkinites read his most famous book and either form a world view, or amalgamate it into their existing world view based on his rhetoric. They then, without checking sources or available evidence it would seem, brandish the ideology "belief in God is equatable with feeblemindedness because there's no evidence to support your belief".
Some do it more vociferously than others. Some do it while affording the subject of their ire more respect than others (you may notice that it was suggested I have low self-esteem - albeit respectfully - on another thread because I pointed to a study that showed that 40% of scientists believe in a God who answers prayers).
They now exist in a world that has to be explained or proven through science. They will not accept the notion, like the Father of their world view, that science cannot explain everything. They will not accept it when scientists say scientific evidence has led them to believe in (a) God, just like their Father refuses to believe it (he even says such scientists are liars. Why? Because they do not fit in with his world view).
Because they can't see or hear God, and because Dawkins has told them that science has explained away the existence of God with almost all probability (and I love how that little 1 or 2% is left in there just in case), they mock and seek to undermine those who believe they can see and hear God in their life and in the world around them. They say that something should be done about religion and peddle their Father's opinion that teaching children about God should be illegal. They start dreaming of a utopia where any talk of God is done away with, just like their Father has preached to them.
So, my question about memes was simple; have they been scientifically proven? Belief in anything should be scientifically proven first, according to a Dawkinite's world view. The concept of memes hasn't been scientifically proven (and as a side note, do some research into whether Dawkin's hypothesis on genes as put forth in the Selfish Gene is still backed by science as it was in the 70s. Eerily similar to the flip flopping of the WTS), yet Dawkins and many of his acolytes believe in the concept. Whether it's a metaphor to explain an analogy is irrelevant.
And now I'm reading here that;
"It is possible for an atheist/agnostic to have beliefs which by definition can never be 'proven' scientifically."
So such beliefs are faith. And faith is delusional, am I right, according to Dawkins? Or is faith only delusional when it's pertaining to God?
Quite why two disparate world views can't co-exist is puzzling and surely limits the elasticity of human kindness and understanding. If a person wants to believe in something that can't be proven in a lab, then they should be allowed to. And so should a person who wants to believe in God.
If anyone fancies a bit of reading, please click through to the Times Online site which reviews a new book called 'The Selfish Genius'. Note, the website contains what could be considered apostate material;