I lmost replied to this nonsensical attempt to support the WT ban on b-days...but I remembered I am ignoring the swine.
Someone else is free to start anothe rthread on that and I will contribute.
by Spike Tassel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I lmost replied to this nonsensical attempt to support the WT ban on b-days...but I remembered I am ignoring the swine.
Someone else is free to start anothe rthread on that and I will contribute.
the date of one's conception = the date of the start of one's life = the date one's parents were blessed by Jehovah
the date of one's birth = the date of the beginning of a period of uncleanness for one's mother = a date of perhaps no little pain and suffering for one's mother, perhaps continuing even till today = the beginning of many sleepless nights and days for those of one's family = the beginning of one's selfish demands being foisted upon the world around the one, even until this day, if the one is still alive
I hope you guys in your duet don't hurt anyone - I guess with the personalities you have invented we arn't necessarily going to get close to you.
like I said, a pigs eats its own s*&t
What a horrid way to look at things, dude....seriously....
My children are a blessing from God, nothing can ever make me think otherwise.
I look at them and I see all the love that God and Jesus have for Us, I look at them and I see all the forgivness and grace God and Jesus have for Us.
You wanna have issue with B-days, fine, with over commercialization and some pagan imagery associated with some B-days celebrations, even I agree with that, but don't try to make it about jehova or Jesus, you don't have the right.
When Jesus was Born the Angels celebrated and rejoiced, Paul said NOT to judge anyone that makes one day more special than another.
Spike, love shoudl be celebrated, everyday and for the life of me I can't fathom a God that has issues with marking the day when a child comes into this world and God and Jesus have another child to love and to give their grace to.
Psac...think about this...wedding anniversaries are allowed by the WT yet the anniversary of a birth is not. Why? Banning birthdays separate kids from the start from their peers and gives them less in common, excludes them from a normal and routine activity. It makes for awkward situtations for kids and basically makes them not fit in. It makes them, as they get older, less likely to have nonJW friends and thus no support system outside the cult. So they are less likely to leave. This ban continues into adulthood in the workplace and still keeps the captive apart from outsiders and makes for an awkward atmosphere.
Wedding anniversaries are not observed by school-age kids (as they are generally not married). Workmates do not observe them together, unless they are close friends. The JW who celebrates would presumably be doing it with another JW couple.
They could be banned under much of the same logic as birthdays. But the WT picks and chooses what its members can and can not do to their own self-serving interests.
it's an issue of good association
What does that mean?
The people that one associates in our everyday life are the one we invite to a B-day party, as are they the ones we invite to an anniversary or wedding or funeral, a barmitzvah, etc etc.
ohhh, really? So you beleive observing a birthday with someone you (or the org) deems a good associate would be ok?
celebration of self is NEVER okay