I was offered a tract called "30 years a slave of the Watchtower," I think that's what it was called. Maybe it was a book also? I was a kid, so I took it, didn't read it, and gave it to my mom.
After that, about 5 years ago, I saw the book "Visions of Glory" in the library. I read a few pages out of curiosity. The author said she was a bethelite and it was crowded in the hallways, and she felt like she was missing out on life. She said she started to smoke on purpose to get disfellowshipped. That confirmed my "all ex-witnesses are bad" indoctrination.
Actually, it was the January 1, 1989 Watchtower that got me thinking. I kept a copy in my bookbag for a long time, in fact that was the issue I had on the airplane as I went to my missionary assignment. It said about the preaching work, "a work that will be completed in the twentieth century." I believed it. I lost the magazine one day. But then years later, when I went to read it in the WT CD library, I couldnt find that expression. I searched and searched. Finally I went page by page, and I found IT HAD BEEN CHANGED. It now read that the preaching work "would be completed in our time." That really bothered me, I mean really bothered me.
Then, when I was in a ton of elders meetings with the CO and DO deciding whether or not to remove me, and I could tell by their crazy reasoning that THIS WAS OF MEN, NOT OF GOD, that I googled "Jehovah's Witnesses" and came on here. I was offended at first by the expressions "Kingdumb Hell" and "Asleep" by our resident lexicographer, WTWizard. But I couldn't stop reading.
Well, you know the rest.